Dan's House

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A/N: Written by tato :3

Dan's P.O.V. Tuesday Night

I took a taxi to get back to my house. When the taxi driver stopped, I looked up to give him my fee, and walked out the door. I reached in my pocket for my key, but came out with a bit of pocket lint. Oh, shit. I must have left my key back at the studio. I rang the doorbell. I heard loud footsteps, and my brother opened the door.

"Why'd you ring the doorbell?" Robert asked, his breath smelling of booze and his words slurred.

"I...I forgot my key back at the studio," I said.

"I forgot you worked at the dance studio. You faggot. No guy would work there if he wasn't," he said coldly.

"I'm not gay. Just LET ME IN!" I screamed as I pushed passed him. He slammed the door shut, and ran back to the basement, which was his room. I heard loud music and shouting voices booming up the steps. I turned the corner, where my mum was standing.

"That's 2 nights in a row that you're late home! What's up with you?" she asked loudly.

"I told you; I have a new student, and I have to teach him from si-"

"HIM?! I thought I said you could only teach ladies!" my mother screamed.

"None of the other instructors could teach him! They have students already!" I said, becoming annoyed.

"Also, I'm not going to be here Saturday from 12-5:00. I'm going to be a pianist at my new student's sister's party," I said.

"WHAT?! WHY?!" mum screeched.

"They needed a pianist, so I volunteered," I said, walking away.

"WHY WOULD YOU VOLUNTEER?! AND DON'T WALK AWAY FROM ME WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU! COME HERE!" she yelled. I nervously walked over. She brought her hand up and slapped me across the face, hitting my eye and my cheek. It hurt badly, but she's hit me worse.

"Now, go to your room right now, Daniel. And don't come out until tomorrow. Don't even THINK about dinner. Why can't you be more like your brother?" she asked as she pointed up the stairs, gesturing for me to go to my room. I ran up the stairs, careful not to stomp, and quietly shut the door. I grabbed the hidden bag of chips from my closet that I kept for this occasion, and looked in the mirror that I put in my room. My cheek was fiery red, and my eye was starting to bruise. I'd have a black eye tomorrow. I sighed, sat on my bed, and munched on the chips. I started to cry silently. Because of my mother, my brother, my life. I have to move out soon. I looked at the shoebox I'd hidden under my bed, and looked at what was inside. All of my paychecks, cashed in, loose pounds, and spare change I'd found. I closed the lid and sighed. On the top of the box, I'd written in Sharpie,

"FLAT FUND." I counted the money and sighed again. I wouldn't be moved out anytime soon.

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