Late-Night Thoughts

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Phil's P.O.V. Friday Night

After I'd hopped into a taxi and frantically shouted Dan's address, I began to worry. What if Dan was bleeding, or seriously injured? He can't live there anymore, he and I both know that. And he doesn't have enough money to move out. What if he moved in with me?! I know, we've known each other for less than a week, but he knows me. Better than most people, surprisingly. Like, he's telling me about his abusive mum, and he's never told anyone. And, I already came out to him. Which usually takes me YEARS. I don't know; we just have a weird connection. I was too caught up in my own thoughts to notice we'd stopped. The driver, a guy with a scraggly ponytail, said,

"You gonna get out? You were so rushed to get here, and not you're not gettin' out! And, my fee," he said, holding a callused hand through the money slot. I handed him a couple bills, and ran out the door. I walked to the side of his house, found the window, and grabbed some pebbles. I threw them at the window, until I saw a head peep out the window.

Dan's P.O.V.

I was surprised when I heard pebbles hitting my window. Drying my tears, I grabbed the rope and a blanket, and threw it out the window when I saw Phil's small figure. He grabbed it, but I mouthed,

"No." I eased out the window, and cautiously grabbed the rope. I slid down it like it was a fireman's pole, and hit the dewy grass with a thud, holding the blanket with me. I layed it down and told Phil to sit.

"So, thanks for coming," I said. He looked at me, his blue eyes looking deep into my soul. I then lost it. The waterworks came, tears flowing down my cheek like a waterfall. Phil was there for me, embracing me and letting me sob into his shoulder and hug him. After I'd calmed down, I took a shaky breath, and said,

"What am I gonna do? I can't stay with my awful mum and idiotic brother."

"See, I had a thought. What if you, oh, I don't know, moved in my flat? I mean, there's enough room, and I have a spare bedroom," Phil said.

"That wouldn't work. My mum doesn't even want me to see or talk to you. Ever," I said sadly.

"What if I met her? I mean, I'm likable!" Phil said, squishing his cheeks. I laughed, but my smile faded. I could NEVER introduce him. Well, COULD I? I mean, if she saw how nice and caring he was, maybe she'll let me hang out with him.

"You didn't actually mean what you said, about me moving in with you, right?" I asked quietly.

"Why would I lie? I think it would be fun. I mean, you can stand me, right? You need a flat, and I have an empty bedroom. It's DESTINY!" Phil said. I sighed. I went and hugged him.

"Thanks so much for showing up; I've never had a more reliable friend. And, that's so weird, considering I've only known you for less than a week," I said into his neck. He nodded.

"I'd better get back in; my mum might know I was gone. But, I PROMISE I WILL SNEAK OUT TO GO TO THE PARTY TOMORROW!" I said as I stood up with Phil. He hugged me goodbye, and thanked me for playing at the party. I climbed back in my room and watched him walk onto a main street, where he immediately got a taxi. I slipped into bed happy, for the first time in a while.

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