Hospital (part 2)

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A/N: Enjoy the last chapter before the epilogue!~tato
Dan's P.O.V.
I woke up with a pounding headache.
"Ph-Phil?" I whispered, my eyes still closed, hoping that I'd just dreamt about the last couple hours. But no, because once I'd opened my eyes I saw where I really was: a hospital bed, with an itchy white cast on my leg.
"Good lord, he's up!" exclaimed a nurse, probably probably only about 27.
"Yeah, I am..."
"It's a good thing, too. There's a a
black haired boy out there who's been worried sick, and kept asking the receptionist to see 'Dan.'"
"Really?" I was touched; Phil was worried for my safety?!
"Oh yeah. He was pacing, then it seemed as if his leg would fly off from him wiggling it so much, and then he started to jiggle in his chair. A lot. At least, according to Marianne, the receptionist," the younger nurse jabbered. I looked and saw that her name tag read "Julianne Clarke."
"So, shall I send this young fellow in? I mean, are you up for it?" Nurse Clarke asked.
"Of course."

Phil's P.O.V.
Just as I was about to start chewing my fingernails, a young nurse came out of the rooms and walked over to me.
"Mister..." she said trailing off
"Lester. Phil Lester."
"Mr.Lester. Dan Howell is available for family to see him. And since you seem to be the only, quote unquote, family he has here," she said. I sprung out of the uncomfortable chair.
"Is he alright?" I asked, nervous of what she'd say.
"Well, we're gonna tell you both at the same time, since Dan just awoke." She then led me down a shining hallway and into Dan's room. He was sat there, his leg wrapped in a bulky cast, with it elevated above him. Once he saw me, a big, goofy grin crept across his face.

Dan's P.O.V.
"Are you alright?" asked Phil with worry in his voice.
"Well, I feel peachy. I don't know about the medical stuff. Lay it on me, Juli," I said. She giggled.
"Ok. So, we x-rates your leg, and saw a clean break. Also, lots and lots of bruising. More than normal. How did this happen? The leg, I mean."
", I tripped on one of my cousin's toys and fell onto other toys," I lied. But Nurse Clarke seemed to believe me.
"'Kay 'kay. So, we put a cast on it. However, there is something that got damaged seriously in the break. One of your most important tendons was destroyed completely, so it will be very difficult for you to walk again. You most likely be able to walk and stand for a short period of time, but not very much," she said, hurt filling her eyes. I believe she started to talk again, but I wasn't listening. I might be almost crippled? Forever? How will I work? I certainly can't work at the studio. Maybe I'll just work at Tesco forever... Suddenly, I felt pressure against my uninjured leg; it was Phil, placing his warm hand on my leg. I looked at it, unsure of what to do. I turned 3 different shades of scarlet in my feverish attempt to not look completely crazy. I then placed my hand near his, and he then put his hand on top of mine.
"So, if you'll excuse me, I must go get the doctor," said Nurse Clarke as she exited. Phil looked down at our hands, and quickly pulled away.
"Phil, I-"

Phil's P.O.V.
"You don't need to say anything. It's me who needs to do the talking. Daniel, I'm in love with you. The only reason I stuck with those dance lessons was because I wanted to keep seeing you. Every time I helped you escape, I was truly worried. I offered my flat space up because I want you out of your wicked mum's house. So, I know this seems a bit strange, but Daniel, I'm in love with you," I said, trembling at the thought of rejection. Dan stared at me, his face the shade of a fire engine.
"But, I'm probably going to be crippled. Forever. Doesn't that bother you?" he asked softly. I shook my head.
"Well, I guess that I'm in love with you too. I never wanted to admit it, but now I realize I must. Philip, I'm in love with you," he said, his chestnut eyes staring into my eyes. I was almost crying, I was so happy.
"So, does this mean what I think it means?" I asked. Dan nodded. Right on time, the nurse walked in with ten doctor. She told us that Dan could go home tonight.
Dan left the hospital in a wheelchair, then was given crutches. They arranged the ride home, since Deryn was long gone. We drove to my flat with our fingers intertwined. I hoped this would last forever.

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