Night Stories

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A/N: Written by tato :3

Phil's P.O.V. Wednesday Night

We got into a taxi. I told the driver where to go, and he took off. Dan looked at me.

"You know, you didn't have to do this," he said to me.

"Yes, I did! I didn't want you to get more hurt than you already are!" I said defensively.

"You know, a black eye isn't the worst she's done. But I'll talk about that later. Just like YOU'LL talk about what you helped Clarissa with," he said.

"Alright." Just then, the driver turned around and asked,

"Do you two want the radio on?" I looked at Dan, who looked at me.

"Sure," we said in unison. We looked at each other in surprise. The driver shrugged and turned on the radio.


When we arrived, we walked up the steps to the 19th floor, where I lived. I opened the door, and let Dan in. I walked in and locked the door.

"It's not much, but it's home. Now, let's get you settled," I said. Dan looked very awkward, standing with his coat and shoes on in the middle of the room.

"Where should I put this?" he asked, gesturing to his coat.

"Just lay it over a chair or something. Your shoes can go in the hallway," I said as Dan took off his shoes. I don't know why he was staring at my feet the first day; his feet are almost as big as mine. I went into my room, and gestured for him to follow.

"I have a guest room, but I don't have a bed for it, so you can sleep on the pullout. Here's a blanket. Also, you'll need pajamas, so you can wear some of mine. You'll need a toothbrush too, but I have spares in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom," I said to Dan as I handed him the blanket and pajamas.

"Thanks," said Dan.

"No problem. Since it's almost 6:30, I'll get dinner ordered," I said as I grabbed my phone.

"Do you like pizza?"


Dan's P.O.V.

When the pizza delivery man came, Phil went and got the door. We sat down on the couch/my bed for the night and ate our personal pizzas. Phil was asking me some questions.

"Do you watch anime?"

"No. But I've been wanting to. Do you have any to recommend?"

"You should totally watch Death Note. Or Attack on Titan. They're so good," Phil said.

"So, what was that whole, 'a black eye isn't the worst she's done' thing?" he asked.

"Do you really want to know?" I asked. He nodded.

"When I was about 5, I'd broken my leg. I told everyone at school that I'd fallen off of a swing set. What really happened was worse, and my mum said I could never tell anyone. But screw you, mum. My mum had gotten angry at me, because I'd drawn on the wall at the top of the steps. I was only 5. Keep that in mind. She screamed at me, saying how she was going to throw me in military school, I was that bad. By that time, I'd burst into tears, and I got up to hug her, to say sorry. She didn't like that. When I touched her, she threw me down the steps, and I landed on my leg. Thankfully, she took me to the hospital. And that was the day I realized that my mother was a rotten person. So, yeah. A black eye isn't that bad." Once I'd finished, I looked over at Phil. He leaned over and hugged me.

"Oh, Dan! Oh my gosh, how can you deal with that?" I was surprised that he hugged me, but it felt good. I hadn't been hugged in a LONG time. Once he let go, I asked,

"So, what's the Clarissa story?"

"Well, when she was 13, and I was 8, Clarissa was very depressed. She wore all black, listened to My Chemical Romance and Black Veil Brides, and was very moody. We all just assumed she was going through a 'phase.' But, she began to disappear into her room right after dinner, and wouldn't come out until the next morning.One night, she forgot to lock the door. I came in, and what I saw made me burst into tears. She was sitting on the carpet, with a razor blade in her hand, cutting her wrist. She told me

'Phil, aww, come here.' I came over and asked her what was wrong, ans she said nothing. I asked again, and she just said,

'I'm just a little sad.' So I promised I would help her get happy again, and I did. She was almost suicidal at one point, but I helped her out of it. So she promised to help me with whatever I needed, because without me, she wouldn't be here." I was moved and touched by his story. Before I could say anything, his phone rang. I smiled sheepishly at me, but I let him answer.

" said, no, Matt....yeah, so what?....fine.....goodbye, ok!" he said on the phone.

"What was that about?" I asked.

"Oh, it's nothing. Just some old jerk I used," he said as he looked down at his feet. He switched on the TV, and said,

"Let's just forget about that."

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