Chapter 28 - Retrocognition

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"Come on now. Please, stop the booing." The Professor said with a failing attempt. The crowd's booing got even louder. Jongin was still holding my hand for support. Krystal was smiling, the most happy I had ever seen her in person. Which if I didn't know better would think she's really sweet. Well, maybe she was sweet...just not with me.

"Stop." The Professor demanded nicely, but the crowd ignored him. If it wasn't for Jongin being up there holding on to me I would've ran off.

Finally, having enough with student's boos the Professor screamed out with what seemed an even more powerful mic. "STOP, OR I WILL PUT EVERYONE IN AFTERSCHOOL DETENTION FOR A WEEK NO EXCEPTIONS!"

The students went dead silent. All afraid of having to stay in school even longer than required.

"Okay, now, Stanza, please introduce yourself and tell us what your powers are. Everyone here knows each other years. So, please forgive us for being closed off." I only nodded and took the mic from the Professor. Jongin let go of my hand and placed his hand on my upper back for moral support.

"Hi, I'm Stanza, I bet you probably heard of me from rumors, but that isn't me. I, also, don't know what my powers are."

The crowd gasped and started to whisper again and some laughter was heard. I handed the mic back to the professor. The Professor looked at me apologetically as if regretting calling me up there to fight.

Jongin guided me and told me where to stand. He reminded me of the defensive and the attack moves that I practiced with him. I handed Jongin my hoodie and my blazer, but left my vest on. I also pushed up my sleeves and stepped inside the circle.

"Ready!? GOOOOO!" The Professor said enthusiastically. Krystal attacked. I jumped out of her grasp and softly pushed her slender back forwards. This made her lose her balance but quickly recovered. Krystal kept attacking. I realized she wasn't using powers. I tried to remember if she used them against me before, but nothing came to mind.

I dodged all her attacks. The crowd was getting bored. Krystal seemed to growl in frustration each time since I was faster than she anticipated. Krystal then for the first time had her eyes turn a bright green. I stood in shock, Krystal took that opportunity and jumped on top of me and brought me to the ground.

Krystal punched me, but her fists were surrounded by a greenish black force field. Her punches were strong thanks to her powers. The crowd was cheering, I was starting to lose consciousness when I remembered Sehun's words, don't hold back.

I could feel my necklace burning up. I was afraid of what would happen if I let it loose. Not wanting to lose in front of the crowd or to Krystal, I made my decision.

I stopped holding back and concentrated on the powers emanating from my necklace. I mentally tapped into the necklace's energy and literally felt it creep inside me. Krystal stopped punching and was shocked by me once again today. This time even the crowd went silent. I instinctively grabbed the energy from inside me and told it push Krystal off of me.

I felt Krystal fly off me and I stood up slowly. I couldn't believe it worked. I felt a cool breeze surround me. The wind kissed my cheeks and curled through my hair. The air surrounding me gave me energy and strength. I realized the energy I tapped into was the wind. I could feel her power. She was holding back letting me control her.

I let Krystal stand back up, for a fair fight. This time I wasn't going to let her win. Krystal created a half shield in front of her. She ran towards me. I mimicked her and ran straight towards her. Krystal didn't slow her pace as she got closer. I sped up and with the wind. Krystal dove to tackle me down and at the last second I somersaulted over Krystal and landed behind her. I paused for a millisecond, surprised at how easily I could do things with the wind.

With no protection from behind I quickly kicked Krystal down and stepped on her back. The wind helped push her down. I jumped back and mentally told the wind energy turn Krystal around.

I stopped the wind from losing control and crushing Krystal. It felt like the wind wanted to protect me at all costs, but I was able to control her and she obediently listened.

I used the wind to pull Krystal's tired body from the ground. Krystal was in mid air. The crowd broke its silence for the 2nd time with a shocked gasp. I slowly and gently moved Krystal out of the red circle. I then brought her a bit closer to the ground and then let her drop once at a safe distance. Krystal fell to her knees and hung her head in embarrassment.

I closed my eyes as if to tell the wind goodbye. I let my energy make its way safely into my necklace. Where it was hidden and I opened my eyes. I met Jongin's stare. Who was shocked and did not seem to recollect what just happened. The Professor also seems to be lost for words for the first time ever. I turned towards the crowd of students and teachers. All of them shocked. Then a wave of cheers hit me.

The Professor laughed into the mic. "Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, The Almighty Guardian of the Wind....STANZA!!" Professor K screamed excitedly.

The crowd for the first time responded positively towards me. The cheers kept going and Professor K pulled up my hand and the crowd cheered even louder. I smiled for the first time and looked at the students cautiously. I hoped that they noticed my true intentions. I wasn't evil or out to get Krystal.

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