Chapter 16 - Premonition

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"YES! FINALLY HOME!" The voice belonged to the tallest of the 3.

He walked through throwing his shoes and bags off to the floor.

"Chanyeol! Pick up your stuff." Said the smallest of the 3. Chanyeol? I thought while trying to get a good look at them in the dark entranceway. 

Chanyeol scowled at him and picked up his things. He look up at the three of us on the table.

"Who are you?" He asked me.

The smallest figure came up from behind Chanyeol.

"What is a girl doing in our apartment? That's against the rules if the manager catches us we're dead." I figured this would be Suho the leader of the boy group Exo.

The third figure curiously came peeking through to see who I was. His eyes widened.

"You're the girl Jongin was carrying around the school while screaming bloody murder!"

"Sehun!" Kai yelled with a hurt tone.

"Sorry." Sehun whispered.

"What? How come you don't tell me these things? I'm the oldest one here. Don't you trust me?" Suho said to Kai in hurt tone.

"It's not like that. I was going to tell you once you got here. I just didn't want to worry you until then." Kai lied.

"So, are you like Jongin's new girlfriend or something?" Asked Chanyeol placing his face inches from mine.

"No!" Kai said getting flustered. " I just met her!"

"Good cause Krystal might skin you alive if she sees you around Jongin." I pushed my lips together into straight line. Chanyeol scanned my face. "I take it you already ran into her."

I noticed that I hunched when he mentioned Krystal. I straightened up and nodded at Chanyeol. He started laughing really loud.

"Oh man! I can't believe I missed it!" Chanyeol was extremely excited about the situation.

"Calm down Chanyeol this is serious. Jongin, please explain to me what happened." Said Suho.

"Well, the thing is, Stanza," He gestured at me and all three boys that just came in waved once slowly, "was attacked by Krystal because she thought we were holding hands. She dragged Stanza and started choking her." Kai made choking movements. My neck burned with the memory. 

"Once I got Krystal away from Stanza, she fainted. Stanza's face was so pale it looked purple! Then I picked her up and took her to Luna, but on the way I noticed that she was bleeding like crazy." Kai paused and looked at me and then back at Suho. "So, I ended up using my powers to get to Luna faster because I thought Stanza was going to die." Kai said, with each word getting quieter.

There was a long silence. Kai was holding his breath waiting for Suho to say something.

"You used your teleporting powers? Kai, you can't go around flashing your powers to save every girl in danger! Your powers need to be kept a secret. You know that not everyone in your school knows about our powers."

"I know, I'm sorry but it was my fault she got in this mess." Kai responded.

Suho crossed his arms to think.

"Do you have a place you can stay at?" Suho asked me. I shook my head and then looked at my hand. I was clenching them together. I prayed that he had it in his heart to help me out.

"Chanyeol, go grab your things from your room and go stay with Jongin and Kyungsoo until we can figure out a plan."

I looked up in surprise. I really thought he was going to kick me out. Chanyeol was nodding in agreement with a stern look on his face the entire time. Then, he finally processed what Suho had just said.

"Wait! Why do I have to be punished?" Chanyeol said with a surprised look.

"You have a room all to yourself. You don't expect her to sleep with the boys in that same room!" Suho said with little patience.

"But-but I don't want to sleep with them! I'm sure the guys wouldn't mind sleeping with her!" Chanyeol whined as he pointed at me.

"Chanyeol!" Screamed Suho angrily.

"Ugh, fine!" Chanyeol screamed back louder making his face and ears turn bright red. He gave me one last angry look and stormed off dramatically to his room muttering things under his breath.

Suho handed D.O. money. "All of you go to the store and get some ice cream. I'll stay here and help Chanyeol fix things up for our guest."

I started to follow the boys and I remembered that I was still wearing sweats, but then dismissed it and continued to go after the boys.

"Here." Said Kai handing me my hoodie. "I had to wash it because it was covered in blood. You're lucky it's black or else it might've stained it."

"Thank you." I smiled at him. I was so grateful these guys were such good people.

"Hey! Get me banana flavored ice cream!" Screamed Chanyeol from his room, already recovered from his anger tantrum.

Sehun and Kai started laughing while D.O. just rolled his eyes and shook his head.

Suho came up to me and smiled. "Hi, I'm Junmyeon. Sorry for not being a good first impression. I just have to be a responsible adult sometimes."

"I understand, thank you for helping me." I smiled and reached his hand and shook it with both my hands. "I won't forget this." Suho gave me a friendly smile and patted my shoulder.

The boys had opened the door and were waiting for me. I quickly grabbed my navy blue converse and slipped my feet through.

"Don't forget to get me chocolate ice cream." Suho said to the boys.

"AND BANANA ICE CREAM!" Chanyeol screamed again.

"Okay!" The guys screamed in unison then D.O. slammed the door behind us.

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