Chapter 27 - Relationship Manipulation

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Sulli and Jiyeon started the match. They seemed like they were at around the same level in both their powers and their physical strength. Jiyeon was all about attacking Sulli, but every jab Sulli seemed to predict.

"Sulli can see the future." Jongin whispered to me. "Jiyeon can manipulate people. Her powers aren't as strong as Sulli's, but Jiyeon is physically stronger and faster than her. It's a fair fight which also makes things a lot more interesting." Jongin kept announcing as Jiyeon and Sulli fought.

The students shrieked in surprise as Jiyeon grazed Sulli's cheek with her ring, leaving a trail of blood. I noticed the crowd was getting bigger. That's when I realized the other classes where joining ours. They seemed to have been training,  as well. I caught Jongin blushing, I looked behind me to see what he was staring at. I recognized the girl. She had long straight reddish-brown (dyed) hair with bangs. I smiled.

"Do you have a crush on Hyuna?" I whispered loudly. Jongin looked at me with wide eyes. His blush started to travel making his whole face pink.

"Shut up!"

"Why? I think its adorable that you like her. You and Hyuna would be cute together." I teased quietly. Jongin jumped and covered my mouth.

"Shh. People will hear you." Jongin said. I pushed him off me and accidentally bumped into someone next to me. I look over to apologize, but my mouth fell wide open. Hyuna was standing next to me talking to a friend.

She gave me a friendly smile and bowed. It took me a few seconds to collect my thoughts and she giggled.

"I'm so sorry!" I finally let out. "My friend Jongin, here," I motioned towards Jongin, who was starting to resemble a strawberry, gave a small wave, "was bugging me. Sorry that I didn't see you there. I'm sure that if he wasn't so immature I wouldn't of ran into you." I rambled.

Hyuna laughed again. She was the first friendly girl that I've spoken with in South Korea, which caught me off guard. I was scarred for life because of Krystal being so welcoming.

"Don't worry about it. I don't see that many girls playing around in such an easygoing way with guys in South Korea. It's kinda nice meeting a fellow tomboy. Girls need to be less uptight around here." Hyuna said sweetly. "Oh my god, I love your hair! Those waves are priceless!" Hyuna touched my hair and then turned towards her friend. "Dongwoon, look, I wish my hair was this pretty."

Dongwoon was tall, pretty good looking and looked way older than everyone else. I started to blush a bit as he ran his hands through his hair while his eyes looked at me from head to toe. He gave a shy smile, waved, and then went back to watching the match.

Hyuna scoffed and gave him a weak slap on his arm. "Don't mind him he can be shy at first." She said with a roll of her eyes. "So, are you new around here?"

"Yeah, it's my first day. It's kind of intimidating. The only friend I have in class is Jongin. I think everyone else in our class hates me. I sorta started things off on the wrong foot." I spilled out, missing the girl talk with my friends.

"Ugh, I totally understand. People can sometimes be so judgmental, but don't worry too much. If anything you are definitely cool in my book." Hyuna smiled. "By the way my name is Hyuna. What's your name?"

"I'm Stanza." I said completely pretending that I didn't know who she was.

"Well, Stanza, if you ever need a friend here's my number." Hyuna handed me a business card. "Also, a bit of advice. Don't let anyone steal this cutie from your side." Hyuna placed a finger on Jongin's nose then lightly tapped it once. "I can tell you both have a special friendship, even if it's new." Hyuna said.

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