Chapter 15 - Invisibility

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I woke up with the view of the bottom of a bunkbed. Where was I? Did I fall asleep in my brothers' room? But this didn't look like their bunkbed. Then remembered, I was on vacation with my friends! Shooting up quickly, I looked around the room, this was definitely not our hotel room. I jumped out of the bed. The clothes I was wearing I couldn't recognize either. My head was pounding. I reached behind my head and passed my fingers through my scalp. It was sore and hurt slightly when my fingers touched the curve on the back of my skull. Dragging my feet to the door, it led me to a dark long hallway where three other doors stood. A bit freaked, I noiselessly searched for the bathroom. Once I guessed correctly, I turned on the light and closed the door quietly.

My memories couldn't be placed together which made me worry. I turned on the faucet and washed my face with cold water. Blindly searched for a towel and found one next to me hanging by the wall. I glanced up at my reflection on the mirror. It wasn't me. At least not 22-year-old me. I looked like 17-year-old me from junior year. I was thinner, that's for sure. 22-year-old me was depressed, stressed, and was dealing with anxiety. Which had led to my late-night binge eating after work. I was at least 40 pounds heavier if not more from 5 years ago.

My hands trembled. Oh. My. God.

"Oh my god." I whispered to my reflection. Everything that happened came back to me. "Oh my GOD!!!" Might I note I don't swear. Usually.

Heavy footsteps walked their way to me. I covered my face with my hands, to not scream.

"Stanza?" The footsteps passed the bathroom and headed towards the bedroom I was in.

I stayed completely quiet, hoping I was in some crazy dream still. The loud knocking on the bathroom door made me jump.

"Wake up, Stan." I told myself.

"Stanza, it's Jongin. I was preparing some food for us with one of my roommates." He paused. "Are you doing, okay? We heard you scream."

I was trying to control myself. My hand was hovering by the doorknob, but it wouldn't stop shaking.

"I hope we didn't scare you off." Kai continued in a sad voice.

As much as I love being in the toilet, I couldn't stay in the bathroom forever. I got the courage to place my hand on the doorknob and quickly opened the door so I wouldn't change my mind.

Kai jumped back in shock. His surprised look switched in a second to a smirk. "You hungry?" He asked.

I nodded carefully, "starving." I forced a half smile myself.

Kai chuckled at the look on my face. He led me to the kitchen. Another boy was in the kitchen serving bowls of soup. I knew him too!

"This is Kyungsoo. We call him the mom of this place since he does most of the cooking...and cleaning." Kai walked to D.O. and hugged him.

D.O. roughly pushed a laughing Kai off with one hand. D.O. collected himself while he looked at me and waved. He was wearing glasses and an apron. "Nice to meet you."

I timidly smiled and waved back. "Nice to meet you, too."

"Come sit down and eat."

D.O. led me to a low table and I sat down at one of the spots. Kai sat across from me. D.O. placed a bowl in from of Kai and me.

"Enjoy!" D.O. said proudly with his fist at his hips.

He sat down with his own plate of food and took a sip. Kai, who was impatiently waiting, quickly took sips himself. D.O. locked his glaring eyes with mine and grinned encouragingly. I carefully tasted the food; it was amazing.

Shoving spoonfuls into my mouth, I formed into my most natural self. I was unstoppable. Kai and D.O. were talking, but I wasn't paying attention. I wondered how long it's been since I'd last eaten. I couldn't tell if days had passed. The boys had gone quiet. I looked at them, they were both staring at me.

"What?" I blushed.

Both boys burst out laughing at me.

"You must've been really hungry. I think you'll fit right in with the other guys." Kai predicted.

"Wow, I just don't know how you didn't burn your tongue off!" D.O.'s eyes popped out of his head in amazement.

I laughed hesitantly, "I wasn't kidding when I said I was starving."

"Don't be shy. We like it when girls don't act all girly in front of guys." Kai said, a friendly smile plastered on his face. "Right, Kyungsoo?"

D.O. nodded with his mouth full of food.

I blushed. "Oof, it's starting to get hot in here. It must be the soup." Trying my best to hide the fact it was because I was embarrassed. The atmosphere got awkwardly silent. I stared down at my almost empty bowl.

"So, are you going to tell us what happened to you?" Asked D.O. after taking a few spoonfuls of soup himself.

I sat silently collecting my thoughts. Should I trust them? I mean, they did just feed me. Kai even saved my life.

"I hope you'll be able to keep my secret." Kai interrupted my thoughts.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"The teleportation thing." Kai barely audible, reminded.

I examined his face. Kai was worried I would use this against him.

"Oh...I almost forgot about that." Thinking back, a few things were still a bit fuzzy since I was leaking blood everywhere. "Kai," I shook my head quickly, "I mean, Jongin, I promise you I won't tell anyone about you or Luna. I'll take it to my grave I swear on my puppy's life."

"You have a dog?" D.O. asked.

"Sort of..." In 3 more years when he's born, I hoped.

"Sort of?" D.O. arched eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

I thought for a second and decided they were good trustworthy people. I cleared my throat. "Well, it's a long story. So, bear with me. I-"


We all turned, and the front door was wide open with 3 figures standing outside the entrance.

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