Chapter 9 - Telekinesis

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Minho backed up and stood by the end of my bed and closed his eyes. A few seconds passed and I began to feel uncomfortable. Just as I was about to tell Minho to stop joking around, he opened his eyes which I swear showed a hint of purple. He was focusing while staring intently at me. Then one of the most life changing moment happened to me.
After succeeding in tearing my eyes from his, I noticed the tray of food floating on my right. Not only that but the tv remote, a small chair, someone's jacket, and the heart rate monitor (yes, the beeping thingy) were floating around me. I couldn't say a word. What would I even say in this situation? I like your purple eye color! Cool superpowers! Uh...don't kill me with your awesome powers, Master? No, the best thing for me to do was to stay quiet.

Minho patiently waited for me to say something. After 40 seconds since he showed me his powers passed, he finally got irritated with my speechlessness. "Well?" He insisted.

I dragged my eyes from the tray of food to his shining purple eyes. "Um...what drugs did the doctors give me?" My heart rate according to the monitor was getting faster.

Minho put the items back to their places, the purple glow in his eyes fading. "Calm down I'm not going to hurt you." I nodded but I wasn't scared I was super excited. I mean this was cool, there are no other words for this situation. "Do you believe me now?" His eyebrows were both arched waiting for my answer.

I cleared my throat. "Um, yes, but I still don't understand why you need me or why I can understand what you are saying. It's obvious you're more powerful than me. Besides, I don't have any superpowers that I know of." I mentioned with caution to not show that I still didn't believe I had any sort of powers unless you count sleeping as a superpower.

"See, we need you because we are going to take you back in time with your friends. Then when we are in the concert room you will help us catch Jiyeon. She won't see it coming." Minho said envisioning his plan.

"Take us back in time?" I gulped, "How far back?"

"Oh just 5 weeks that way we can still give you a bit of training. Besides I'm 90% sure you and your friends have special powers," Minho responded nonchalantly.

"Five weeks!" I widened my dark chocolate brown eyes even more, "Wait, 90%?"

"Yes, well, Director Sung he came in and shook your hand to see if you really did have superpowers." Minho told me enthusiastically. "He's out there checking on your friends to see if they do, too."

"Wait he checked if I did?" Each word that came out of Minho stressed me out more.

"Yup, that is his power and you passed with flying colors!" he expressed proudly. Do not confuse this as him being happy I had powers. Minho was only proud of himself for finding a group of friends that were gifted. "You know it's not every day that we find a group of friends with superpowers that are linked to each other." See.

"Linked?" I asked now a little irritated that we sounded like an experiment to him.

"Oh right, he can also tell the nature of your powers. So, all we need to do now is awaken your powers." Meanho explained.

"Minho, I can't help you."

"What? Why not? This is a once in a lifetime experience." Minho astonished by my comment.

"I get this is unusual and a big moment for you, uh, us, but I can't risk getting my friends in danger. What if they get hurt or worse die?" I uttered in a worried tone.

Minho was speechless for the first time since I met him. He stared at me as if surprised that I would care so much for my friends.

Someone gently knocked on the thick door. Taemin opened the door slightly and poked his shaggy head through.

"Are you done yet? I was talking to Nessa and she needs to speak with you." Taemin was looking straight at me and completely dismissing Minho's confused face. I was stunned at the mention of my friend's name and nodded quickly so that I could finally see a familiar face.

Nessa gently came into the room; she was weary from the eventful night she had. As soon as she met my face, I could tell she was holding back relieved tears. "Are you okay?" She whispered. I could only nod. Did she know what was going on too? She weakly walked to my side. Up close I could see the dark circles underneath her sleepless eyes. "I'm glad, but listen I know you are trying to protect us, but we are adults. We can decide for ourselves besides it looks like they really need our help." I kept getting shocked today.

"How?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows. Today was a world record of how many questions I've asked.

Nessa glanced at Taemin in response. "Taemin can read minds."

"What?!" There, another question. How many is that so far?  

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