Chapter 13 - Teleport

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I clenched my eyes shut, slowly sensing my surroundings. Freshly sprinkled wet grass soaked the clothes beneath me. Voices of kids chattering, and laughter made their way to me. I tore my eyes open and was met with a sky of gray clouds. It seemed like a storm was coming. Then a chilly wind blew which surprisingly felt good on my face. It felt like fall.

Around me a bunch of kids were walking by, they pointed and laughed at me. I was laying down on the middle of a field. I sat up; a school could be seen at a distance. Was I at a high school? The kids were wearing P.E. uniforms. Did I land in a field at an Academy?

I slowly stood up; my head was spinning. My feet felt heavy, and I could barely walk. I was starting to feel queasy. Eighty percent sure I was not going to be able to hold it in, I spotted a nearby trash can and vomited. It was mostly gagging after I vomited the acid from my stomach since I hadn't eaten anything. A group of girls were staring at me in disgust. Already feeling like crap, their unfriendly faces didn't make things better.

"What? You've never had the stomach flu!" I hoarsely yelled. They jumped in fright and walked away at a faster pace. "Brats."

There were bleachers a few steps away and I decided to sit down. Where was I? Not only that, but when? Did I get dropped off in the wrong time? Now thinking about it, they never mentioned where we were going to end up. I doubt we were going to land in the same hospital room 5 weeks from then. It would surprise any patient staying there if we popped into such a small space. We could've been called out. I wondered how Lisa's power works.

I reached the bleachers and sat down on the lowest bench. At last minute, I became aware of a kid two rows up standing on the bench with a cigarette in one hand and a book in the other. His face hidden under a black hood. I could tell he was young, though. Around 16 years old. The smell of his cigarette was beginning to make me sick again. The kid was pacing the seats while reading his book. It came across as like he hadn't caught sight of me sitting there. The boy stepped down and was directly behind me. Glancing up, I glared at the cigarette above my head. He hadn't taken a smoke in a while. The ash trail on the cigarette was about to fall. I was right as soon as I straightened and faced forward the ash of the cigarette landed on my hair.

"Ugh! Seriously?" I roared to the guy behind me.

He gaped down at me and spotted the ash on my hair. "Oh, uh sorry," He mumbled with no emotion in his voice.

"Oh. Uh, sorry?" I spat mockingly, irritated that he was so careless. This moment I would regret for a long time afterwards. I lost my friends, I didn't know where I was, and my bullet wound was hurting more than ever. "How can such a young kid smoking go unnoticed at their own school? You aren't even old enough to be smoking!" The kid stayed silent, not knowing what to say. "When I was your age, I couldn't be caught dead with a cigarette! My parents would've killed me, and the school would've expelled me." I stood up and faced him with my arms crossed in front of me. "Well? Are you just going to just stand there staring at your dumb book?" I snapped. Oddly enough I recognized that book. It was an awesome book.

He peered at my face and jumped down from the bench, slowly walking over to me. I instinctively stepped back until I hit the bleacher's 4-foot fence. The kid had me cornered and reached out. I flinched at the sight of his hand half expecting him to punch me. Instead, his hand on my head gently wiped away the ash on my head. He placed his hand on my head and leaned his head downward to face me directly. Electricity from his touch moved its way through my entire body. He checked his hand from afar for a few seconds as if he also felt the energy from his hand.

Ignoring the strangeness, he spoke. "I truly am sorry," His dark eyes made their way to mine, "I didn't know you were sitting there. Most students don't come down here to hang." I squinted a bit to see his face, but I still couldn't quite see it. The shadow of his hood was still hiding the majority of his face. "If you don't mind me asking, how old are you? You don't appear any older than me," questioned the boy.

"I'm 22 years old almost 23 in September." I managed to finally find my voice again.

"Really?!" He sounded shocked. "If you had asked me, I would've guessed maybe 13 or 14. What do mean by September? Do you mean next year? We already passed September by like a week or two." His voice was skeptical. He lowered his hand to my left shoulder slightly sending more sparks down my left arm. "Are you okay? You're deathly pale."

Grabbing his hand to push it away, I felt electricity with our touch, again. Shocked to see actual sparks flying off our hands, my mouth hung open.

"What in the world?" The boy said in wonderment. I looked up and for the first time saw his face.

"Kai?" I whispered. Kai's eyes locked with mine.

"No," confused with my comment, "my name is Jongin." 

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