Chapter 20 - Atmokinesis

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Suho got up and started to tell the guys to get ready for bed since they had school and training tomorrow.

Everyone left except for me and Sehun since we were still finishing our ice cream. Well, Sehun was finishing his for the 3rd time.

I could tell he was as shy as me. So, I decided, after 5 minutes in silence, to start a conversation.

"Sehun, can I ask you something?" He looked up at me a bit surprised.

"Sure." He said softly.

"I hope this isn't rude to ask, but what kind of powers do you have? " I asked with caution. "If you even have powers!" I added quickly.

"Oh, I can control the weather."

"Oh, that's cool! So, can you make it rain?"

"Kind of, I'm not strong enough to control my powers for light rain. I mostly create tornadoes. I'm working my way up to hurricanes." He said nonchalantly.

"Wow. Just tornadoes and hurricanes, huh." I gulped. " So, do you know what you'll be able to do at full strength?"

"You know the typical. Snowstorms, thunderstorms, earthquakes," Sehun's eyes widened, "Ooo, maybe even tsunamis!"

"Awesome! Cool. Remind me to stay as far away from you as possible when this happens."

"I promise not to kill you. Unless, I don't know you're there and end up killing you by accident." Sehun said reassuringly.

"Aha! Aren't you nice." I said sarcastically.

"I know, don't mention it." Sehun said with no hint towards my sarcasm. I gave him a serious look. This kid was definitely up on the moon.

"How old are you again?" I asked.

"I'm 16." Sehun smiled proudly.


"Why?" He said with wide eyes.

"Sorry, not your age. I meant you are strange. It means a lot coming from me."

"Thank you!"

I nodded. I stared at him for a second as he finished his last bite of ice cream. I tried to see what to make of him.

"I made up my mind." I announced, "I like you."

Sehun smiled.

"I like you too, Stan!" He said brightly.

"Wait, were you listening to my conversation with Jongin?"

"Most of it. I picked up things because of the wind." I stared at him in shock.

"You're a smart kid you know that."

"That's what I say, but no one believes me!" Sehun said in disbelief.

"Don't listen to them. Just let them think you're dumb, one day, you'll show them." I punched him softly in the arm.

"You know earlier I was just trying be nice, but now I really do think I like you." Sehun said bluntly. "You are the first person to ever tell me I'm smart."

I nodded slightly hurt by his comment.

"Hey, guys." Jongin said walking into the kitchen. "Sehun do you mind giving me a second alone with Stanza?"

Sehun obediently stood up and bounced off to get ready for bed.

"What's up?" I asked with my mouth full of my last bit of ice cream.

"I wanted to tell you I just texted Taemin. So, I should hear from him soon." Jongin informed.

"Okay, thanks, again." I said shyly.

"Oh and I wanted to give this back to you." Jongin reached into his pocket and pulled out my necklace. I reached up to my neck shocked that I'd forgotten about it.

"I didn't know that I no longer had it on me."

"It fell off earlier when Krystal was choking you. I was able to grab it for you before everything else happened."

I stood up and Jongin handed me my necklace. Without thinking I hugged him. Jongin had no idea how special this necklace was for me. I was so grateful to him that I thought the best way to appreciate him was by hugging him.

Then, once again, that electric current passed through us. Surprised by the feeling of the electricity, I over stayed my hug and could tell that Jongin was uncomfortable.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"No, it's okay, you just caught me off guard." I saw Jongin blushing. I guessed he wasn't used to getting hugs from girls.

"Do you feel that, too?" I asked before I could stop myself.

"Feel what?" Jongin asked confused.

"This thing between us. When we touch?" I noticed this sounded kind of wrong. I blushed along with Jongin. "I mean not like that, it's just...there's this electrical, electricity, thingy that sparks through us!"

Jongin was slowly turning from light pink to dark hot pink. I could only imagine that my face was the same or worse. Jongin couldn't meet my eyes, so, before he got a look at me I turned around and started heading towards my temporary room.

"You know what, forget about it. Sorry, I made things awkward. I'm gonna go sleep. I'm so embarrassed. "

"Stan, wait!"

I quickly turn away before he could stop me.

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