Chapter 38 - Electro Telekinesis

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I blocked the ruler from hitting Eunji's hand and held it in mine.

"What do you think you're doing?" The teacher asked in awe. Teenager me would've let the bully take the beating out of respect for authority. Adult me knew better. Besides this teacher is about 22 years old and in the US I'd never run in to a teacher physically hurting a student.

"I can't let you strike your student. This is wrong, especially when its a minor and over something so ridiculous. Truthfully, there's no excuse to ever hurt your students in any way." I said fiercely. I kept my eyes locked on hers to show I wasn't backing down.

"It's her own fault for not being able to solve a simple equation. It was so easy that even a dumb American could solve it." The lady mocked me while still pulling at the ruler.

"Really? Maybe we should strike your hands for not being able to teach the whole class how to do a simple equation. Is that not what you are paid to do?" I retorted as I pulled the stick out of the teacher's hands.

The teacher's face got bright red. "How dare you disrespect your teacher this way?"

"How can you expect me to respect a teacher that physically abuses her students?" I angrily spoke back.

"It is what I am expected to do when a student doesn't do as they are told. Give me back my stick."

"So, that makes it okay for you to hurt kids?" I wasn't having it. The stick wasn't too thick. I grabbed the stick with both hands and kneed it in half.

This made the teacher furious. She charged over at me with her left hand high. She swung down and I quickly dropped the broken ruler and grabbed her left wrist before she could slap me.

"Don't you even think about laying a hand on me or any of these kids ever again!" I spat. This made her even more furious I could almost see the steam coming out of her butt crack.

The Wicked Witch of the West lifted up her right hand and put it into a fist. Her fist was going to come down fast at me so I could only lift my left arm attached to her in defense. I was readying myself for the blow when a voice came from behind the teacher.

"What do you think you are doing to my kids?" The professor demanded. He was holding the Evil Witch's right fist tightly. His eyes were even more furious than the Witch's.

"Your student was being an insubordination!" The Evil Teacher choked up, her eyes filled with crocodile tears.

"Really? By the looks of it my student was only defending herself and her fellow classmate." The Professor questioned calmly, not buying her fake tears.

"That's not true!" She whined, while her tears slithered back into her skull.

"Get out of my classroom." The professor ordered in a scary yet quiet voice.

"B-but I w-was onl-" The Evil Teacher stammered trying to piece her story together.

"GET OUT!" The professor's neck veins popped out as he shouted.

The wicked teacher jumped and quickly grabbed her shiz and ran out of the room with her shoulders slumped in embarrassment. She dared to give me one last look, her eyes were pitch black as she glared at me. Then she was gone. I prayed to the big guy that I never run in to her again.

A few dead silent seconds passed and then the class yelled happily, "Professor! Professor! Professor!" The students banged their desks as they cheered.

I smiled as the students cheered for him. I slowly followed Eunji to make my way back to my seat.

"Ah-bup-bup. Hold it right there, Stanza Bleu." Stanza Bleu? How long had he been there listening? I turned to look at him.

"Yes?" I asked worriedly.

"You've made quite the first impression today. I can see you've been having a rough day." He gestured at my hair and uniform. "Anything you have to say for yourself?"

"Uh, sorry I broke your whacking stick?" I said.

"What? Oh, no. I meant any words you would like to say of encouragement to everyone?"

"Oh, um? Don't do drugs?" The only quote that popped in to my head while under pressure.

"Fair enough. Go sit." He said, slightly disappointment.

I went to sit down and opened my notebook. I stared at the drawing of myself. I stood back up with the drawing in my hand.

"Actually, I also want to say that today sucked. I hope you don't usually treat the new kid this way. I especially love this drawing, whoever made this has great skills and I'll keep this in a safe spot, but I hope you all still don't want my head chopped off after you get to know me." I sat down and put away the drawing in my notebook again.

"Thank you for that speech. Now, let's get to some real math!" The professor said proudly.

I looked back out the window, it was raining and the clouds were dark gray. I could see my reflection. I was a horrible mess.

Behind me I could see Jongin. He looked at me for a brief second as if he wanted to tell me something, but he sadly placed his gaze towards the front and continued to listen to the professor.

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