Chapter 37 - Self Regenerating

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After lunch we had math, finally, a subject I could understand. I sat down in my seat and the girls snickered at my appearance.

Jongin sat down next to me and wouldn't dare look me in the eyes. He was being really cold. Whatever, I thought, I guess I forgot how extreme teenagers could be at times with their feelings and reputations. Teens can be rude little bastards.

As if on cue, a paper ball hit my head and landed on my desk. I knew whatever was on that piece of paper was not going to be good. I couldn't help, but be curious. I ripped open the paper and saw a drawing of me with a graphic scene of my head chopped off. Hmm, props to the artist, they drew good details of my physical characteristics. This made the drawing even more realistic.

I placed the drawing in my notebook as a different teacher began the class. The cartoon of my chopped head had more of an affect on me than I thought it would. I looked out the window and wished that my friends were here. They would make me feel better by just being in the same room as me. I wouldn't feel like such a freak.

BANG! I jumped in my seat. The teacher was in front of me.

"Day dreaming? I asked you a question, Ms...?"

"Blue!" I blurted, then added. "E first then U."  Hopefully, no one noticed I said blue because it's my favorite color. "Stanza Bleu." I nervously fidgeted with my notebook.

The teacher seemed suspicious though ignored my weirdness. "Ms.Bleu, go up to the board and solve the first equation." She said sternly.

I stood up tugging my skirt down and started making my way over to the front. I hoped the equation wasn't hard. Squinting at the board it looked like I just needed to solve for x.

As I walked down the aisle the students whispered and laughed at my chocolate covered uniform. I had cleaned most of the chocolate off of my face. I didn't have time to wash my hair making it stiff and parts of my neck were sticky.

A girl stuck her foot out as I walked by. Normally, I might have been able to dodge it. I was so focused on my nerves and my cold as ice hands that I tripped over the girl's foot. The class laughed at me loudly.

"Silence!" The teacher screamed as she wacked her stick on the desk of the girl that had tripped me. I took a good look at the girl and realized she was Eunji from Apink.

Eunji seemed afraid of the math teacher. They all went completely silent. I continued my way to the board and started solving the equation. I didn't know if I was doing it correctly. I finished and looked over at the teacher. She nodded and motioned for me to stay. The teacher looked over at the crowd and pointed at Eunji with her wand. "Solve equation 2."

Eunji got up slowly and came over to solve the equation. She had barely started when the teacher immediately blurted at Eunji and rudely said, "Wrong!" Eunji kept restarting and the teacher kept belittling her. The teacher got so frustrated in the end that she told Eunji to stop.

"Hold your hands out." The teacher said to Eunji. I looked up at the teacher, surprised at her words. I realized what she was going to do. I didn't think they still did this in South Korea. I had seen it in K-dramas and never thought they actually did this.

The teacher came over with the ruler and held it up high. Eunji closed her eyes tightly and was biting her lip. The teacher was about to strike down hard. I was debating on whether to do anything, but my conscience couldn't just let this happen.

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