Chapter 35 - Light

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After 15 minutes of waiting for Jongin to comeback, I stood up and headed to the hall. I wasn't sure which way I was going. I figured anywhere was better than sitting in the room feeling like an idiot. I guessed Jongin was using the bathroom or something.

Walking randomly around the school, I ended up finding the entrance and went towards the fields. I slightly recognized the path from when I first got here.

There were trees in the distance and I automatically dragged myself to them. I arrived at a big beautiful tree with lots of shade underneath. I uncomfortably sat down being e careful with my tight skirt. I closed my eyes, leaned my head back against the tree, and sighed loudly.

The birds were singing and distant noises of teenagers gossiping. A lawnmower was going off probably mowing the school's soccer field. I noticed strange grunting noises coming from above me. I tried ignoring it when something hit me in the face. Startled, I saw a white sneaker land.

"What in the world?" I looked up at the leaves and stuck on a branch was a boy struggling to come down. His shoeless foot was inches from the branch below him with no hope of reaching it. He gave up quickly as his fingers were slipping from the branch above him and instead got back on the branch.

Once he was safely back on he looked down and saw me watching him.

"Annyeonghaseyo!" The boy said, I looked at him in surprise. This was the first time I heard actual Korean spoken to me. "Um, hi! How are you?" The boy continued. He had a thick accent. Dumbfounded, I wasn't responding. He mumbled something to himself and clumsily waved saying, "Hola, soy Taehyung." After a few long seconds he scratched his head. "Uh, ayuda, SOS, help, por favor?" He desperately waved for me to get closer.

I was busy figuring out why he was different from the other students when I remembered Suho's words to Jongin. Not everyone at the school was like them. Maybe this kid was a normal student with no powers. I cautiously walked over and he blabbed on in Korean. I tried reading his hand movements, but I couldn't understand a thing.

The only thing I knew was he needed help coming down. Taehyung moved himself down and I realized he wanted me to catch him.

"No, no, no." I shook my head at Taehyung, but he continued and hung from the tree branch. I stretched my fingers up hardly grazing his feet.

"Hana!" Taehyung said, I remembered this, it means one. Oh no! "Dul!"  Two! Sugar honey iced tea! This was going to hurt bad. I couldn't simply let him land on the ground, he could break his face! "Set!"

Taehyung screamed happily as he let go. I also screamed, but out of fear for his butt breaking my face. I skillfully caught him as we hit the ground. I heard a tear on my neck when I caught Taehyung and his weight was cutting off my oxygen besides that I was still alive.

I slowly peeled my clenched eyes open. The boy's smiling face was close to mine. "Gamsahabnida! You my hero!" Taehyung announced slowly with his thick accent. Taehyung grabbed my face with his surprisingly large hands and kissed my cheeks and forehead.

"Gah! Stop!" I yelped, but couldn't help my laughter. What was with this kid? He was so happy and energetic, but strange. He reminded me a bit of Sehun or Baekhyun. Huh, speaking of which, where was my cousin's hubby, Bacon?

"Taehyung! What are you doing?" Taehyung stopped kissing my head and we both looked up. An upside down Jongin stood by us with bags floating in his hands. He seemed out of breath as if he had ran all over school. Knowing him, Jongin was most likely out of breath from teleporting.

"Hyung! I was stuck in the tree and this stranger saved me!" Taehyung spoke in perfect English. He jumped over to Jongin and embraced him. "I thought I was going to die up there. I was so hungry I tried killing a bird with my shoe!" The boy points at the shoe that hit my face. "I knew I needed to get down before becoming a savage!"

At this point I stood up while pulling my annoying skirt down. My cheeks were boiling. "Wait, you knew fluent English this whole time!?"

"Well, you never responded to any of the languages I spoke." Taehyung shrugged.

"What? You were speaking with a fake accent!" My hands became fists holding in my anger. "You even kept speaking in English after you squished me to the ground! I know you ignored me on purpose when I kept saying, no." I straightened my bra strap by pinching at it through my shirt. If Taehyung were a close friend I might've flipped him off by now, but I was a lady. 

Jongin looked embarrassed and avoided conflict by opening his bag and grabbed two popsicles. "Do you guys want ice cream?"

I lit up at the sight of the ice cream we had yesterday. They were magically good, especially the strawberry flavor. Taehyung and I both laughed in happiness as Jongin handed us the ice cream. We sat by the tree where I almost died and ate in peaceful silence. For about two minutes. 

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