Chapter 7 - Strength

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"Are you kidding me?" yelled Minho angrily. Pointing his finger down at me.

"Calm down." Taemin soothed Minho while patting his back.

"What? Is it that wrong of me being hungry!?" I yelled defensively. Pain shot up my side. Normally I wouldn't have snapped back, but his big round eyes had a strange similarity of when my dad angrily lectured me about my life choices.

"Seriously, though, the first thing that comes to mind after getting shot and going into surgery for hours is food?" Complained Minho.

"So what? Just be glad I'm not questioning the fact that none of you have accents and can speak English perfectly!" I was running out of breath and my side was burning with pain.

"Minho, go get a nurse. Once she's taken care of. We need to all have a serious talk." The director said firmly.

Minho obediently stormed out to get a nurse.

The director was an older man who had the looks of a sweet grandpa or uncle, but you knew that if he ever got angry then being in the same room as him it was never a clever idea.

The director turned back to me and smiled. "I'm sorry about him, he can be very...explosive sometimes. But he's a good kid."

"Right. I know. Well not really. I have heard of how he can be. I know how all the guys in SHINee can be. Well, at least from what is shown on tv and social media..." Awkward, I thought.

The director chuckled as if this was all a joke to him. I half expected someone to come out and tell me it was all just a prank, but the pain I felt was all too real.

"I'm Director Sung." His hand stretched out for a handshake.

I tentatively placed my hand in his. "My name's Stanza." I said with weak a smile.

"Stanza? What a strange name."

"Well, it's short for...actually it doesn't really matter."

Another hand popped in front of my face. I gaped at the owner's sweet face. I placed my hand in his, holding onto my breath.

"Hi! Obviously, you know I'm Taemin, but I just wanted to thank you for jumping in front of us and risking your life for me. For us." 

I stared at his smile for a few seconds. Did I really? Everything was a blur. My memory wasn't all there.

"Yeah, no problem..." distracted by my current situation.

If I was here at the hospital, jumped in front of a killer, and shot then where was my family? Did they not know I was hurt? And my friends didn't they tell their own families? Minho mentioned I was here for hours, my family should be here, right? My heart was starting to race. I can't trust these people. The news would've covered a scandal like this. My brother would be the first one to know if it were in the news. Something's not right here.

I turned to the director after a minute passed, still holding on to Taemin's hand.

"Director Sung, you won't hurt me, will you?" I asked wide-eyed. 

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