Chapter 8 - Telepathy

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The director chuckled and shook his head. I regretted how blunt I was being. Maybe it was the drugs in my system that I couldn't keep my mouth shut.

"Sir, please don't hurt my family or my friends. I won't tell anyone about what happened, and I won't sue the company or anyone for that matter. Promise! I never break my promises." I sounded like a lunatic. Something was off about this situation.

"Relax. I'm not going to hurt anyone. I'm going to fill you in on something in a bit, but you need to calm down first." assured Director Sung with a soft smile.

I nodded. Maybe I should keep my mouth shut and act dumb.

The nurse came in just in time and asked the men to wait outside. She then started checking my pulse. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine." I answered while she pulled up my gown and checked my bandages.

"Interesting, that's healing faster than I thought. Well, I heard from your friend that you were hungry, I'll bring you something to eat."

"Thanks, but are any of my other friends out there?"

"Yes, there were three other young men and an old man in a suit arguing with four girls outside."

"Arguing? Um, is it possible to have those 4 girls come in?"

"I'm sorry, but you should rest."

I grabbed her hand and cupped it in between mine. "Please?" I pleaded.

Her eyes saddened and then she nodded. "I'll see what I can do."

A few minutes passed, but no one was coming. They left me alone with my thoughts. I started to overthink and that led me to panic.

Just as I was thinking of grabbing my things and leaving, the door opened. I looked up hoping it would be one of my friends, to my disappointment it was Meanho.

"Here," He left a plate on the tray next to my bed.

"Where's the nurse?" I demanded.

"She got busy and asked me to give this to you. Just eat." Meanho grumbled.

"Not hungry." I mumbled. I felt bad for saying it, but I was stressing out and food was the last thing I needed.

"Do you want to get slapped?"

"Excuse me? Chill! I'm sorry, but something strange is going on and you and your buddies are freaking me out."

"My buddies? Well, your besties aren't exactly a bundle of fun either!" Minho ran his hand through his hair. In any other situation I would be on the floor with a nosebleed. I was controlling my emotions as best I could but Minho, my bias, was very handsome. I forced my eyes down, staring at my hands. "Look, you can talk to your friends later, but we need to ask you a favor." Minho's tone changed.

I raised my eyebrows, making eye contact again. "A favor?" What could they possibly want from me?

"It's going to sound crazy. We need to train you so that when this accident happens again, we can catch Jiyeon."

"Who?" I was a bit confused.

"Jiyeon, the girl that shot you," Minho sighed, "look, we've been trying to catch her for a while now. She's truly a very...powerful person. Jiyeon has ways to catch us off guard and ends up hurting everyone around her."

"I don't understand why you need me, though. Can't you find someone more qualified to help you?" I asked.

"Don't you see. You are the one we've been looking for."

"What?" I chuckled.

Minho pointed at my gunshot wound. "That bullet should've killed you, Stanza. You bled out so much by the time the ambulance got to you. No normal person would've been able to survive that shot," He paused and tried to collect his thoughts. "You are strong, Stanza, and that necklace you wear is special. We can tell. It's got more powers than you could ever imagine!"

My hand shot up to where the pendant would normally be as soon as he mentioned my necklace. Powers? How much crack is this guy on? What a waste of such a beautiful sexy man. Do I look stupid? Does he think I could be this naive? No one would believe what happened to me as some sort of magic act. Okay, maybe, let's say that sweet baby Jesus, thought, she's the chosen one and saved my soul, but powers?

I tried to pick my words carefully, "Minho, the necklace, I've had since I was a young girl...and nothing magical or supernatural has ever happened. I get it, I lost a lot of blood, it's a miracle, I'm alive, woohoo, but that's all it is! This has nothing to do with special powers."

Minho smiled, "Fine then EXPLAIN to me how it is you and I are having this conversation, right now."

"I'm sorry?"

"You asked me earlier, how it was I spoke English so perfectly, right?" I nodded in response, more confused than I was earlier. "Well, it's got something to do with the powers I was talking about."

"The powers from my necklace let me understand what you are saying?"

"No, sort of, not your necklace's powers more like it's thanks to the powers that we each have inside us."

"We? Us?" I scratched my head, "Just tell me what it is already and none of this read between the lines bull-crap. Just spit it out!"

"All of us have superpowers!" Minho cried out in annoyance, not meeting my eyes.

"Hahaha! Superpowers? What is this crap? Are you pranking me? Did my friends arrange this?" I spat.

"No, I'm serious!" His cheeks flushed red.

"Fine. Then prove it." I smirked at him.

"Okay, I will," said Minho, more determined than ever. 

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