Chapter 39 - Time Control

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"Alright, so, should we talk about the drawing?" Professor K asked me.

The professor forced me to stay after school ended. We were here all day. I'm not exaggerating. It was already night out. Everyone else had left. Jongin left without a word and abandoned me to deal with the teacher on my own.

"No, I'm good. Just a bunch of kids being hormonal teenage demons." I smiled sweetly.

"What about this look?" He was referring to my chocolate covered hair and my too small uniform.

"Oh, didn't you know this is what the idols wear these days. It's all the rage!" I said sarcastically.

"Okay, okay." Professor K said giving up. "So, my brother, I mean Suho, told me you weren't from these times and to keep an eye on you and protect you. I hope that helps you trust me a bit more."

"Well, that's working out really great for you." I open my arm to show my ruined uniform which I'm pretty sure is a bit ripped up around the hems. I notice the professor was a bit displeased with himself. I started to feel guilty. "I'm sorry, I've had a rough two days."

"I know, don't worry about your uniform I have a bunch of extras. It's kind of a normal situation that occurs with the kids here." He rummaged through his desk and handed me a brand new uniform and I could tell it was a size bigger. "Hopefully that's a better fit."

"Thank you." I said in an apologetic voice. I put my new uniform in my backpack.

"Look, my brother and his roommates are really talented. All of them were top in their class and I'm not talking about grades. SM Entertainment chose them specifically for their strong powers. Obviously, they are also musically talented, too. I think you need to know what you got yourself into. It's not fun, its scary and it can cost you your life. Do you think you can handle this all on your own?" Professor K asked me what I was asking myself all day. I definitely didn't think that I could.

A loud bang came from the door window. Sehun was smiling and waving. It reminded me of my friends back home. We were never this close at least not this fast. I always felt that I needed to be the one to make them happy and help. Which sadly was never returned in the same way sometimes. I always felt lonely and I didn't want my friends to feel that way. I wanted them to know I was there for them. Sehun reminded me of that part of myself. I didn't need my friends to do special gestures, but it feels nice every now and then. No matter what though I needed to do this and it's not like I have too much of a choice now that I already gave my word to Minho.

"I'm not on my own. My friends will come for me and in the meantime I think I have some new friends that I know will help." I said as confidentially as I could.

Professor K smiled and nodded. "You're a good kid. Is your last name really Bleu?"

I chuckled, "No."

The professor laughed and shook his head. "Well, it suits you. Go home and tell Suho to treat you to something special!"

Home? I live with a bunch of guys. This is my new home. No, my 2nd home. I hope they are okay with that.

I put on my hoodie which thankfully covered most of my uniform and grabbed my things. I opened the door to freedom. Something that I haven't felt in a long time. Sehun greeted me with a smile.

"Ready? Suho asked us to pick up a few things from the convenience store. We'll be meeting them there."

"Yeah, where's -" I was cut off by someone that tackled me from behind. I fell to the ground. "What the?"

I turn my head and V was smiling like a goof as he pinned me to the ground. "Hello, friend! Can I come with you? It's on the way to my place."

"Ugh, sure. Just get off me! Girl's don't like being tackled in skirts or dresses or any type of clothes really."

"Would you prefer if I tackled you while you're naked?"

"HA! Funny, if you ever do that to me, I'll kill you!" I dramatically said to make sure he wouldn't get any funny ideas.

"I'm just kidding. Mostly."

Sehun lifts V off of me and gives me a hand off the floor. "So, where's Jongin?" I asked Sehun while we headed off.

"He told me that he needed to get some things taken care of? It's just us."

I nodded, "I hope I didn't say something to make him uncomfortable. Did he seem a bit off to you?"

"Well, he didn't seem mad. It was a bit strange that he went home alone." Said Sehun without another thought.

"He went home already?" I wonder what happened. I thought we were all going to get some things for my stay.

"I did hear him talking to Krystal on the phone at lunch. It seemed a bit heated. Well, Krystal usually is, but Jongin is more calm." V said.

"Unless provoked." Sehun chimed. V nodded in agreement.

We were already out of the building and waiting for the bus.

"Jongin seemed really mad about something. I heard him tell her to stay away from him and to stop spreading hateful rumors." V continued.

"Hateful rumors?" Is she saying mean things about him? That would explain his mood during lunch. No, Krystal cares about him. She wouldn't spread bad rumors about Jongin.

The bus came and we found a spot for us three. I sat by the window and stared out. Sehun and V were goofing around and were talking about soccer. I wondered what my friends were up to right now.

I bet anything Nessa is worrying herself to death about me and blaming herself. Soo Min is most likely trying to keep calm for everyone else and acting like the mature leader. Lena is trying to hook me up with Minho. I laughed to myself. There's no way. Right? I take a second more to think if she would. I'm gonna kill her. Then there's Juli, well, she might be trying to hit on Minho and Taemin. Maybe not in real life, but in her head. I hope.

This is probably why I was separated from them. They don't know each other very well. I know them because I became close to them individually. Juli and Soo Min are sort of close...I think.

I was probably being taught a lesson to be more independent or something. The universe has it in for me. I lean my head against the window and let my eyes rest. I fell asleep without even realizing.

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