Chapter 14 - Healer

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"R-right! Sorry I-I, uh, you see-" I stuttered uncontrollably.


I turned to see a very thin average sized girl with long pin straight brown hair. If you ask most, she had this classic elegant pretty girl look. If you asked me, she looked average and mean. Not gorgeous, not ugly either. I recognized her at once. Before me was Krystal Jung from f(x). Behind her was Sulli, also from the same girl group with another pretty girl I had never seen before. This made me wonder again where exactly it was, I landed.

"Krystal, calm down nothing's going on." Kai soothed the environment; I could tell Kai was used to her over exaggerating things. As he said this we let go of each other's hands. My hand strangely bare now at my side.

One second, she was by the trash can I had vomited in and the next she was dragging me from the bleachers and pinned me against a nearby wall with her freezing long thin fingers digging into my neck. I could hardly breathe and every word she said sounded like I was under water. Fairly sure she was calling me a skank, slut, etc. Kai was trying to pull her off me while Sulli was trying to reason with her. The other girl was encouraging Krystal and told her to beat the crap out of me. If it weren't for my wound, I might've beat her or at least pushed her off me. I wouldn't have known what to do. Never been in an actual fight over a boy or anything truthfully.

Kai finally de-clawed her from me and was arguing with her. I wasn't able to make out anything. My vision was blurring and without realizing it I fainted, spread out on the ground. My wound pounded, I could tell the stitches had torn open and was bleeding like crazy.

"Hey, wake up." I opened my eyes. Kai was kneeling over me worried.

Sulli was hovering behind him also worried by my state. "She needs to get some help. Her lips are turning purple. You should take her to Luna, she can help. Also, maybe make sure she doesn't fall asleep." Kai nodded at Sulli and almost effortlessly lifted me. Luna? Mr. Sung had told me to find her.

"Hey," Kai spoke to me, "don't die on me or else I'll blame myself until the day I die."

I smiled weakly as I wrapped my arm around his neck. Kai followed Sulli.

"Really, you are helping her after all she did to me?" Krystal complained as she trotted behind Kai.

Kai ignored her.

My head was dozing off, barely keeping my eyes open.

"Come on, stay awake a little longer." Not being able to hold my head anymore I laid it on his shoulder with my forehead against his neck. Hanging on to Kai with the little strength, I had left.

"I never got a chance to ask. What's your name?"

"S-stan-za." I muttered.

"Stanza? That's a cool, and strange name. It fits you perfectly."

I wanted to respond except my energy had left.

"Sulli, she won't last any longer. Just tell me the class Luna's in." Kai alerted.

"She's in art class right now on the third floor. How are you going to get there in time?" Sulli asked.

"Why are you helping her, Sulli?" Krystal cut in.

"I'll have to use my powers we have no choice. I think she's bleeding from a wound. It's soaking through her clothes." Kai completely blew off Krystal.

"Are you sure? You haven't done this with another person before. It could be dangerous." Sulli suspected.

"I can do this. I have to."

"Okay, hurry, she is definitely not looking good."

I felt Kai bow in agreement.

"Jongin, if you help her, we are over." Krystal yelled her voice bouncing of the hall we were in.

"Krystal, we aren't a couple, stop annoying me and being so clingy. We're only friends." Kai snapped sternly. Without waiting for a response, Kai kept walking and paused.

"Hold on, this sounds weird, but I'm going to teleport. It'll feel strange, keep staying strong for a bit longer." Kai confessed to me.

The familiar pull covered my body. It wasn't as bad as Lisa's though similar. I saw the same empty darkness with far away lights which looked like stars. Squeezing my eyes shut to hold on to the bit of strength I had to not pass out. My ears popped a bit and the pulling sensation stopped. I opened my eyes slightly and saw we were in an empty hallway with windows reaching from the top of the roof all the way to the floor.

My grip on Kai's neck was weakening.

"Stanza. Are you doing, okay?"

"No." I wanted to lie and say I was okay, but I was scared. It seemed like I was going to die this time. You could only get lucky so many times in so few hours.

"Obviously, that was dumb of me to ask." Kai commented anxiously. "I'm sorry about this."

After minutes passed with no luck, Kai ran down the hall screaming Luna's name. Barely making out Kai's desperate screams anymore, I didn't know how much time had gone by. I heard kids coming out of their classes from behind us to see the emergency we were causing as we ran past their classrooms. Finally, someone called out to Kai.

"Jongin! What's going on?!"

Kai turned around fast. With a sigh of relief, he gently jogged towards the voice. "Luna. She's losing blood."

"Follow me." Luna asked no other questions.

After we turned a few corners, Luna led us to a dark empty room. "Lay her down." Luna commanded.

The floor beneath me was ice cold. My eyes were too heavy to open. Or maybe I was too scared this would be it and didn't want to see the pity on their faces.

"Lift her shirt up." Luna instructed.

"What?" Kai exclaimed uneasily.

"Hurry. I need to see her wound. Give me a moment to concentrate first."

Kai gently pulled off my new hoodie and then my shirt. I grunted as he ripped the wet shirt off my bandaged wound.

"Should I take off her bandage?" Kai asked.

"Shh. Yes. Like I said, I need to see the wound. Now, don't interrupt me and stay quiet."

As Kai tried to softly peel off the bandage from my skin, I gave a quiet cry of pain. He paused for a moment and continued until it was off entirely. He held my hand and squeezed it as if to tell me to keep fighting a bit longer.

Two strong hands pressed firmly against my wound. Screaming as she dug her finger on the bullet wound. Her hands got warmer, and rapidly grew hotter enough to burn my skin. It didn't hurt, it was surprisingly soothing. A bright light could be seen behind my eyelids like when you are laying under the sun. I randomly had flashes of the KCON event and Jiyeon's face appeared in front of me. The sound of the shot still rang in my ears.

Luna's healing light brought me back to focus. The light from Luna's hands stitched every tissue of my skin back together. Heat from her hands made its way through my entire body. My pain was slowly minimizing. The light disappeared.

"Done. Good as new." Luna remarked.

I hesitatingly opened my eyes, lifting my head to look at my stomach where my wound was. Miraculously, my skin was good as new. It looked even better than before the wound! How? There were no stretch marks from my growth spurt or any scars from the surgery I had while in middle school. My entire abdomen was flawless, which had never been the case for me before.

The room spun uncontrollably. My head slammed onto floor.

"Stanza!" I heard Kai say worriedly. Everything blacked out. Again. 

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