𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 15 : 𝐀𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐢𝐳𝐞

1.9K 81 16

Seoul Hospital || 9:47a.m.

Jungkook wake up by sun bright, he blink multiple time to adjust the bright light, open his eyes slowly with blurry vision as he scrunched his eyes again to see his surrounding.

' Where am I? ' Jungkook asked himself

There have iv injection to his left vein hand, hearing 'beep beep beep' sound from his right, he look to see heartbeat line monitor. He look beside him to see his husband peacefully sleep on the chair beside his bed holding his right hand like he depend on it.

He remember what his husband did last night. He hurt him. And it happened a lot yet he forgive the older. He just love the older so much that he can't leave him. Every time he tried to leave the older, he would do something that melt his heart.

The older wake up as he heard something or more like someone moving. He groan and cracking his back and neck. Look at Jungkook who already woke up looking at him with blank face.

" Baby, are you okay? I'm sorry I cross the line. I didn't mean it. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me " The older beg as he tried to hug the younger but the younger push him softly.

" Koo? I really sorry " The older said as tears brimming his eyes.

Jungkook felt guilt as soon as he saw his husband about to cry so he hug him rub his tiny hand the older back to soothing him.

" Shh, I forgive you. It my fault though that I go out without telling you first " The younger said as he wipe the older tears with his tiny thumb, smiling look at his husband who smile as well.

The older lean to the younger as he close his eyes and their lips about to collide but-

The door open slightly. The younger back off immediately and cover his red cheeks from embarrassed moment.

" Oh- am I interrupt? " The doctor let out sheepish laugh as he rub his nape.

" Yes " The older answer bluntly as he let out loud sigh. The younger immediately hit his husband at the shoulder. " Ow- what was that for? " He ask as he rub his shoulder.

" Respect people will ya " The younger give fierce glare to the older but it turn to a cute glare making the older chuckle and the younger let out 'hmph' sounds.

" Uh... " The doctor stand there look at the bird couple.

" Yes doc? " Jungkook ask politely.

" I just came to tell that you can discharge today at 12:30p.m. and you may took the medications at the pharmacy down that few blocks from here " The doctor said smiling and bow a little and get out from Jungkook room.

Jungkook and Taehyung nod. The older then smirk.

" Now can we continue? " The older wiggle his eyes brow slightly smirking as he climb on top the younger who already red as tomato.

" No " The younger said and he push the older softly who whine making the younger laugh his childish behavior.

The older stop whine as he look up the younger laugh. Those angelic voice, scrunchy nose, bunny teeth, sun light hit his milky skin making his skin stunning. Taehyung literally drool over his pretty wife.

" Ehyung Taehyung hyung! " The older snap from his dreamland.

" Huh? What did you said? " The older ask as he wipe the drool come out from his mouth.

" Where our son? By the way seriously you drooling? " The younger giggle as the older rub his nape embarrassed.

" Taekook with Jin hyung " The older said and the younger nod as he cuddle with his husband, head on his husband chest hearing the older heartbeat, smiling as the older sing his favorite song while the older playing with his wife hairs and fall asleep.


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3 days past after the incident. Jungkook and Taekook cleaning the house as Taekook helping his Dada wipe the table cutely with his chubby cheeks.

Suddenly Jungkook got notification from his childhood friend

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Suddenly Jungkook got notification from his childhood friend.

4G📶 97%🔋10:54a.m.

Hoseok Hyung

Are you busy?

I just finish cleaning house, why?

Let's meet.

I need to ask my hubby first



Meanwhile with Taehyung.

" Aye, V. Long time no see " The guy enter the gangster office

The gangster seem not happy at all seeing his old friend who work under him. He about to say something but was interrupted by 'ding' sound which from his wife notification. He smile but frown as he read.


Baby Koo💘

Hubby... Can I go out with
Hobie Hyung?



Cuz I say so

But please, I'm with Taekook


The gangster put his phone in his pocket and look up to the guy " What do you want? Park Bogum " The gangster ask not interested.

" Tsk, nothing. Just wanna say that yesterday I saw your pretty wife hang out with some guys. Seem like he so happy with those guys. Act like not married " Bogum said as he lean his back at the wall smirking while looking at the furious Taehyung from there.

899 words

Hello. It me.

I think I want to finish this story fast cz next week I'll more busier. I got into University and I'm really sure there would be so many assignment. Hoho bij noooo *dramatically cry*

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