𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 4 : 𝐒𝐧𝐚𝐩

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V's Mansion || 10:30p.m.

Jungkook slowly go downstairs only wear V's big hoodie and short pants making him more smaller meanwhile V shirtless with sweatpants drinking whisky on the couch.

As V saw Jungkook walk toward him. His eyes kept looking at those thick thigh.

" What a lovely house " Jungkook said as he sat the other couch as he look around. His doe eyes spark like a small galaxy in there.

V saw Jungkook sat the other couch and he took cigarette and lit up it. He walk to walk to Jungkook at sat near him as he puff out the smoke. He caress Jungkook's face.

" Where's your friends? " V asked as he admiring Jungkook beautiful face. Those doe eyes, button nose, plump lips look kissable, pink cheeks.

" You know, sometimes it's just better to be alone. Friendship is killing me. " V nod agree.

" Exactly " V said as he smoke again.

" Sometimes, it's better to be with a stranger. Like me. " Jungkook look at V confuse look.

Few minutes past V put his hand on Jungkook's thigh and rub it up and down. He lost patience, V climb on top Jungkook and about to kiss him but Jungkook push him because he shock.

V then stand up to take whisky and give it to Jungkook.

" For you " V said as he smirk.

Jungkook hesitate at first but he want to forget everything that happened for today and he take it.

" Thank yo- " Jungkook stop his sentence as V caress his legs.

" Calm down baby " V smirk and he kiss Jungkook's legs then up to thigh to stomach, to chest, to collarbone, to neck, to cheeks, and the last one... lips.

" Can I? " V ask and Jungkook nod.

They kiss passionately. It was lust kiss. Jungkook didn't know to kiss because it's his first time. Then he follow V lips move. Soon they do france kiss.

( istg I'm awkward while writing this bcs this is my first time write kiss scene 🌚 - author nim)

5 minutes past. Jungkook tap V's shoulders with his tiny hands signal to stop. V pull out and they panting.

" I have no idea, why I like him. " Jungkook stop and tooke a deep inhale and continue

" When I fall in love, I keep it inside. I hide it. I didn't tel anyone. Why am I so stupid? Now I'm the one who get frustrated. I'm the one who's in despair. " Jungkook confess all his heart out.

V who listen to Jungkook confess is not happy at all because he start liking the bunny boy beside him. Then V pull Jungkook and position him in his lap. Jungkook head on V shoulder as he crying.

" He never love me. He didn't even look at me. His heart nd love is not for me but someone else. Everyone can live without me. No one love me anymore. I better be dead. I feel like dying. " Jungkook confess and he start to insecure about himself.

" If no one wants you... Let me take care of you forever " V whispered in Jungkook ear as Jungkook sob in V hold.

And for the rest that night they make love.

Hyunjin and WooJin keep talking and lovey dovey there. Meanwhile Felix who saw that felt mad.

" You two. Everyone is worried about Jungkook and YOU could make love here. " Felix said and he walk past them to take drink and back to them.

" Now that you've got what you want. You ruin everyone else's life. Satisfied? " Felix continue. The couple heard and felt weird.

Why he want to be mad at us? It's not our fault the Jungkook ran away.

HyunJin thought.

" What's wrong with you? Why are you getting angry all of sudden? " Hyunjin ask and chuckle awkward at the situation.

" Do you understand what I'm saying or pretending that you don't? " Felix gritt his teeth getting the anger at the couple.

" They didn't teach you when you were in prison. Do you know that, you're the worst creature who ruined other people's life. Did you know that?! " Felix shout to HyunJin and HyunJin lost patience.

" What wrong with you? If you have an issue with me, just tell. Stop hinting me like that. " Hyunjin said with calm but in dangerous tone.

Felix who already lost patience throw the glass to the ground making them flinch and give Hyunjin a punch.

" What's wrong with you? " Hyunjin said as he avoid the punch but Felix keep send him punch to face, stomach and kick his legs making Hyunjin groan in pain.

HyunJin then kick Felix in the stomach to defence himself. Felix keep throwing punch and kick. HyunJin fall and Felix took advantage and clump on top Hyunjin and choke him.

Woojin who saw that shouting for help to stop them.

Then Bangchan and the others come to separate them.

" Do you want to kill him? Enough! " SeungMin shout.

" Could you please calm down?! " Han shout.

" Do you realize it? " Felix said as he point at Hyunjin who still lay on the floor and they give Felix confused look.

" Jungkook ran away because of you! he frustrated because of you. Because he love you! You didn't realize that because you're blind! Do you know that? " Felix stop as he took a deep breath and continue.

" I protect him. I take a good care of his heart. But YOU ruined his life! " Felix shout and he backward then he kick the chair beside him and go out leaving speechless the couples.


939 words.

I'm sowwy for late update. But it not my fault, blame the wifi.

Kkkk. Kiding.

Dun kill me plis

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