𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 13 : 𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐯𝐞

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House || 8:00p.m.

" H-Hyung, what are you doing? " Jungkook stutter looking at the older who climb on top him.

" It been long time we do it " The gangster whisper sucking Jungkook neck.

" B-But T-Taekook sleeping " Jungkook whisper try hard not to moan.

" He sleeping. We do it sile- " The gangster was cut off by Taekook crying.

" Uwaahhhhh "

" Hyung, Taekook crying. I should go " Jungkook said standing up ready to go Taekook room.

" Uwaahhhhh " The gangster also fake crying because he couldn't make love with his wife.

Jungkook chuckle at the older silliness. He enter Taekook room saw Taekook throwing tantrum, choking his own saliva and puffy eyes because crying hard.

" Oh no, Why are you crying baby? Are you hungry? " Jungkook talk as he lift his hoodie to breastfeeding Taekook

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" Oh no, Why are you crying baby? Are you hungry? " Jungkook talk as he lift his hoodie to breastfeeding Taekook.

Meanwhile the gangster drooling over Jungkook breastfeeding to their son without blinking his eyes.

" What are you looking at? " Jungkook sassily ask.

" N-nothing " The older mentally slap himself for stuttering and look away.

" Don't worry, you'll get soon " Jungkook said seductive and smirk.

That seductive voice already make the older get boner. Sweating hard, flushed cheeks. He look down to his torso seeing he got boner and try to cover his boner.

Jungkook who saw that smirking.

" Aw Tae tae got boner already? Well take care it by yourself " Jungkook said as he pull away Taekook and tuck their son to his crib, sleeping peacefully.

Taehyung heard that suddenly smirk making Jungkook smile drop.

' Why the hell he smirking? ' Jungkook thought.

While he in his thought he already in their room and the older trap him against wall.

" What did you said baby? "

" I-i just joking. Hehe " Jungkook smile sheepishly.

" Oh really? Joking? I guess you should take care of this boner " The older said as he point at his boner.

" I have work to do. Bye! "

Before the younger escape from the older trap Taehyung already smash his lip to Jungkook soft lip. The older kiss bit Jungkook lip but the younger won't open so the older squish Jungkook ass as he moan and Taehyung quickly taste every cavern Jungkook mouth. Tounge fighting who dominant ofcourse the older win.

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