𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 7 : 𝐇𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤

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" Why are you crying? "

" You know I love you right? "

" Yes, I know. I really love you "

" But there's someone else who needs you more "

" Woojin, don't say it. Shut it "

" No we need to stop. I want to break up with you "

" What do you mean? "

" Please give chance to Jungkook. He really loves you. He love you and he deserve you more. Else he wouldn't have done all these! He wouldn't have done al these stupid things that he did! "

" Are you insane?! What do you think my love is?! You want me to stop loving you and simply love someone else?! "

" Can't you see it HyunJin?! Are you blind? Can't you see that he's suffering because us! "

" I can't love Jungkook the way I love you. I will only love you all my life till the day I die. Woojin "

" If you love me, let me go. HyunJin. Erase me from your heart "

With that Woojin leave HyunJin there.


Bus stop

Jungkook, Woojin, Felix and HyunJin wait for the bus then V's car coming. As soon as they saw they run from them.

" WooJin, take care of Jungkook "

Few minutes chasing finally they arrive at the train and get in. But not so fast enough. V people try to pull Jungkook but Woojin kick them and Felix and HyunJin fight them.

WooJin protect Jungkook from getting hurt.

In the end V's people fail. V hasn't giving up and will come in the future to take Jungkook back. They got out from the train and get home safely.


4 months later

It been four months Jungkook pregnant and his bumb showing. Jungkook was sleeping peacefully and HyunJin come in and sat beside him. Caressing his cheeks then his kiss his forehead and pull the blanket to cover his body.

Little did he know. Woojin saw that. It hurt but it for Jungkook happiness he will do anything.

3 months later

They live so happily. Now they we're hugging Jungkook carefully not to hurt his baby.


They going check up to check on the baby. Hyunjin and Felix company Jungkook to check up.

" Who is his husband? " The doctor ask.

" Me " " Me " Hyunjin and Felix said in unison and look each other.

The doctor confuse now. It was an awkward moment. Jungkook giggle at them.


They now happy without V disturb their life. But not for forever.

V's people come suddenly and kick their table making their things fall on the ground.

" Why are you such a jerk?! " Woojin yell.

" Useless creature! " Bangchan yell.

" We've crashed their den, what should we do now? " One of V's people said in mock.

" We're too much " The other V's people said.

" Watch your mouth! " Jungkook shout while caressing his belly.

V then come out from the car.

" Hey, everyone. Long time no see. Where's my baby Jungkook? Jeon Jungkook " V said as he searching for Jungkook and Felix hide Jungkook behind him.

" Jeon Jungkook, come honey " V was about to come to Felix but HyunJin hold his arm prevent him to go.

HyunJin hold V both shoulders and said.

" I've told you, stop disturbing me and my friends. Now, go! " HyunJin push V away.

" You, shut up " V said without emotion and then smirk as he saw Jungkook.

" Kim TaeHyung! Leave! " Hyunjin shout and pull him away.

" Baby! Let's go home "

" You're such an evil " Jungkook shout from Felix back.

" I am " V smirk.

" Do you want me to keep me waiting or what? I don't wait. Don't make me burn down this place " V said in annoy already.

" Hello, gangster. Don't mess around here. Don't show off around here. This is my place. Now I want all of you to leave " Felix said as he point one by one V's people including V.

V clap his hand and fake smile.

" Alright, sir. " V said and turn back.

V then kick Felix hard making Felix fall on the ground. The other V people then follow to fight them.

Woojin and BangChan protecting Jungkook from V who want to take Jungkook with him now facing him. Woojin try to push V but V much stronger than him. He choke Woojin and throw him aside.

V then kick Bangchan who about to hit him making him black out. V finally got Jungkook and Jungkook protest. He bit his arm and try to run but V catch Jim back by pulling Jungkook's hair making Jungkook shout in pain.

V then carry Jungkook in bridal style. Felix was about to go after V but stop when he saw one of V's people stab SeungMin.

" SeungMin was stabbed! " I.N. shout and come to help SeungMin and the others too.

Woojin who crying now try to take Jungkook back from V but V push them all.

" I told you can't run away from me. Look what you've done to your friends. " V said in Jungkook earlobe and kiss his cheeks.

" Felix! Get out of there! " HyunJin shout as he saw one of V's people about to burn their work place.


It explode and burning. But Felix and the other manage to survive. Jungkook now crying mess looking at them as V pull Jungkook to his car.

" I said I love you. But you didn't believe me! " V said as he choke Jungkook with his arm because he tall than Jungkook.

V's people then get in the car and go along with V. Felix was trying to chasing them but fail as V bring Jungkook away with him.


959 words

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