𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 9 : 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞

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⚠️ : Drug use & rape mention

V woke up and slight dizziness. He held his head and eat paracetamol on his one night stand table. He then look beside him.


Did he hit someone last night? He can't even remember then he tried to recall the last night moment and something cross his mind. He hit Jungkook... His love.

He then stand up to look for Jungkook but he saw four blood drop with white substances on the floor. He then rush to the bathroom door and open. He saw Jungkook collapse with pale face on the floor.

The gangster then carry Jungkook in bridal style and put softly on the mattress. He caressing Jungkook's face and look down to his baby bump.

" I'm sorry baby. I've hurt you and our baby " The gangster said while caressing Jungkook's soft cheek and kiss Jungkook's forehead.

V then stand up and go to his office which beside his bedroom because he don't want to left Jungkook alone.

He sat on his chair and see the tea cup.

V pov

Cup? Last time I drink this tea I sweat a lot and weird. There some tea left. Did someone put something in my drink? I call Jin Hyung to come.

" Jin Hyung, there something I need you to do "

" What is it? "

" This tea, do test in this tea "

" Fine "

4 hours later || 3rd person

" V! This is bad news, someone put bath salt in your drink "

" Bath salt? "

Bath salt explained : Bath salt is a designer drug of abuse with of dangerous intoxication. This drug are strong central nervous system stimulants that inhibit the depomine - norepinephrine reuptake system (neurotransmitters in the brain) They can lead to serious and even fatal adverse reaction.

" I don't understand with your science language "

Jin facepalm.

" That mean this bath salt is dangerous, it can bring fatal. I think someone accidental put the drug in your drink "

" But who? "

" Wait, did you do something? " Jin look at the gangster suspiciously.

He remain silent. He hit Jungkook... He rape Jungkook... His love... But some memories cross his mind.


The gangster lately was busy with the work and stress so he call his people so make tea.

V man come and give it to V and left him.

The gangster drank and few minutes later he felt a lot of sweat and his heartbeat beat more fast than usually. The next thing he knew that he already burst into their room.

End Flashback

" Someone make this tea. Bring him to me now! " V shout in anger.

Few minutes later the guy was now kneeling in front of Taehyung.

" Who make this tea? " The gangster ask calm yet dangerous.

" It was h- " he was cut off by someone yell and noise from outside.

V quickly look trough the window and saw his old friend. He smirk as his eyes darkest. The gangster then burst into their room and pull Jungkook who already awake from his sleepy beauty.

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