𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 11 : 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐲𝐳𝐞𝐝

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Jungkook woke up from his sleeping beauty looking at the unfamiliar room and held his stomach but empty. He immediately wake up to find his baby. He walk limping toward the door but he stop as the door open revealing the most people he hate holding the tray food.

" Good morning sunshine " The gangster wish happily.

" Where is my baby? " Jungkook spat as he held his stomach.

" Our son is sleeping. Calm down " The gangster emphasized the 'our' word and put the tray food on the table.

" No! I want my baby! " Jungkook shout as he tried to push the gangster who don't budge at all.

" Fine! " The gangster said as he put his hands up in the air as surrender. Then he walk out to take their son not forgetting to lock the door so that Jungkook won't run.

Jungkook then walk limping and hold the wall as support while the other hand holding his stomach. It still hurt after giving birth. He then sat on the bed and look at the food tray.

Few minutes past the door unlocked and Jungkook look at the door revealing the gangster carrying his baby sleeping peacefully. Jungkook about to stand up but stop by V.

" Don't, you still weak. Eat first then I will let you hold our baby " Jungkook giving up and start eat. He finish and tried to take his baby and the gangster gave.

" Turn around " Jungkook spat.

" For what " The gangster now dumbfounded.

" I want breast feeding him of course " Jungkook sassily said.

" Oh come on, it not like I never saw yours before " The gangster whine making the younger smile a little but not show it.

Jungkook give a death glare but turn a adorable glare and the gangster playfully put his hands up as surrender and turn around.

After he done breast feeding his son. The older ask.

" Done? " V

" Yes " Koo

The older turn around to see Jungkook pat their son to sleep. Then an idea come across his mind.

" What do we name him? " V

" TaeKook? Hyun Ki (wise and astute)? " V

" TaeKook, Kim TaeKook " Koo

" I love that, Kim TaeKook and Kim Jungkook. Perfect " The gangster said.

The younger almost forget about his friends. How did he get here? How was his friends? Then with all courage he manage to ask the gangster.

" Where are we? " Jungkook ask.

" New York! " The gangster said excited.

" What do you mean we in New York?! No! Send us back! " Jungkook whisper shout not wanting to wake his son up.

V then frown and look at Jungkook with piercing eyes but Jungkook not paying attention to that because he don't want to live with him.

" Where is my friends then? " Jungkook ask.

[ ♪ NF - Paralyzed ♪ ]

" Die, I kill them. All of them " Jungkook heart drop as the words come out from the gangster mouth.

(Don't worry, V just lying because he don't want Jungkook to think about them. He want Jungkook to focus on him and their son)

He then put his son in the cradle and throwing tantrums to the gangster while crying hard along with sob and hiccups.

" You're lying! Where are they?! " Jungkook hit Taehyung chest with his tiny hand but the gangster held the younger wrist to stop him.

" They die! Just shut up and focus on us will ya?! " The gangster yell as he slap Jungkook in the face making Jungkook stumble back. Their baby now crying because of the noise.

Jungkook held his red cheek as his tears fall from his eyes and the gangster eyes soft when he realize what he did.

" Baby, I-im sorry. I didn't mean to...  " The gangster said as he tried to touch Jungkook but the younger yanked his hand and carry his baby to soothing him.

" Get out, I need some time " Jungkook said without looking at the gangster now brimming eyes.

Then Jungkook heard the door closed and he sigh. He look down to see his baby making grabby hands sign to take him. Jungkook take him and play along with his baby try to distracted what just happens just now.

TaeKook now sleeping and Jungkook put him in the cradle carefully and softly. He lay down and stare at the ceiling. He felt numb, stupid, paralyzed and sad. The friend that help him whenever he up or down. The friends that love him whenever he need love. But now it all gone.

He then take a nap because he still weak and tired. He need some rest, his mentally and physical aren't in a good condition. He need to be strong for his child.

Little did he know some have been watching him from the first place.

" I will take you back Jungkookie. I will make you feel better than him " ??? Smirk as he close the door quietly.


Jungkook woke up from his nap and look at the clock. It 12:28 p.m. o'clock. He saw TaeKook still sleeping and he stand up to freshing himself. He get in the bathroom and do his routine.

Taehyung now sat on the couch while look at a the cctv in Jungkook room he put early. He puff out the smoke.

Then something come crossing his mind.

Who put the drug in his drink?

He then call Hoseok.

" Hoseok Hyung, can you find back the man who bring my drink that day? " V

" It bad news Tae, the guy who bring your drink that day already die. He was shot in the head " Hoseok


" Are you oka- " before he could finish his sentence Taehyung end the call.

" Fuck! " The gangster shout as he pull his hair.

Who want him to die? Who want him to hurt his baby?


957 words

Guess who?

Coming soonnnnnnnn~

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Coming soonnnnnnnn~

Which one first?


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