𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 3 : 𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐠

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Beach || 4:03p.m.

HyunJin, Felix, BangChan, Han and Lee Know we're play water at the seaside. Meanwhile Jungkook, I.N., WooJin and Seung Min hiding their clothes and change it to girls clothes.

" Oii, Our clothes has been kidnapped!! " Han said as they running to hide themselves.

Jungkook then throw them girls clothes. They wear it and almost rip the clothes. Then they walk like a cat walk there.

(Lmao 🤣- author )

Few hours of playing, they start their lesson. Martial art.
The strong wind, wave sound so calm.

When the night come. They sing a song together. Jungkook with Felix, HyunJin with Woojin. Then the other members join to ruin their moment.

Minutes later, the rain is down heavy. All of them run to the cottage nearby. Felix was carrying Jungkook.

Home || 8:45p.m.

" Jungkook! Don't forget to dream of me when you sleep! " HyunJin shout through the car window making Jungkook giggle.

" If you don't, I'll come with blue underwear like Superman! " Jungkook laugh hard as he imagine HyunJin really wear blue underwear.

" It's not funny at all " Woojin said but still giggle.

" You're so sentimental! Reverse the car now " Jungkook said as he look at HyunJin.

HyunJin wink making Jungkook stomach butterfly.

As HyunJin reverse the car. Jungkook looking at him with lovely eyes. Felix watch him from a far. Of course he felt hurt but still he want Jungkook to be happy.

" Why are you smiling? " Felix said making Jungkook snap from his daydream.

" Why? "

" Why? I know that you like HyunJin "

" No, I'm not. I would never fall for a guy like that. "

" You don't have to lie to me. I've known you for years. Don't lie to me. You like HyunJin, don't you? " Felix said as he point at Jungkook.

" No " Jungkook said as he press his lips.

Felix then come closer to Jungkook as he about to attack him.

" You like him, don't you? Right? " Felix then tickling Jungkook as Jungkook laugh then he cup the bunny cheeks.

" Okay fine, yes I like him " Jungkook confess.

Felix stop as he make funny face and he look Jungkook in the eyes. Jungkook slap Felix playful. Felix held his right cheek acting like he was hurt.

" But I don't know if he like me or not " Jungkook said as he fiddling with his hoddie.

" You're my best friend, right? " Jungkook ask as he point at Felix chest 'heart'.

The words slip from Jungkook mouth 'friend' make Felix heart ache.

" You have to keep this secret. Else... I would pluck your hair and turn it into sweep. Promise me " Jungkook give Felix with warn tone but in adorable ways.

Felix and Jungkook make the Purple Promise.

" Okay, I promise. But if you like him... You have to tell him. If you don't want to tell him... " Felix stop for awhile ready to run " I will " Felix then try to run but Jungkook him back.

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