𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 17 : 𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐍𝐞𝐰𝐬

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Hospital || 10:40p.m.

" Kim Jungkook guardian? " The nurse called.

" I'm his friend " Hoseok said.

" Please, come in " The nurse guide him and Taekook into Jungkook room.

They got in and see Jungkook woke up confused why he there. He even forgot to call his husband. Taekook run and climb the bed to hug Jungkook and cuddle in his dada arm.

" What wrong with me doc? " Jungkook ask curiously.

" Don't worry. You just tired and.. " The doctor smile before continue " Congratulations Mrs Kim, you're pregnant 8 weeks and it a girl " The doctor then give ultrasound picture and there was a tiny figure making Jungkook gasp and crying from happiness.

Hoseok who saw this a little bit dissapointed but smile for Jungkook.

" Congratulations Jungkook " Hoseok congrat Jungkook with his smile.

" Thank you hyung! " Jungkook said smiling as his hand rubbing his baby bump

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" Thank you hyung! " Jungkook said smiling as his hand rubbing his baby bump.

" Dada, what is this? " Taekook ask showing them his innocent doe eyes look at the ultrasound picture pointing at the little bean.

" That your little sister, aren't you happy? " Jungkook said as he kiss Taekook forehead.

Taekook froze and look at Jungkook with terrified face.

" Why are you eat my sibling dada?! Or are you a monster? What did you do to my dada?! " Taekook shout as he tried to run away from his dada thinking that his dada is a monster.

All people in that room laugh from Taekook innocent making Taekook terrified more than before and Hoseok planning to play prank on him.

" We are monster Taekook... " Hoseok smirk as he come closer to Taekook who already hiding under the table.

" Hyung, don't make him scared " Jungkook giggle as he sat at the corner bed. " Taekook, come here. Your uncle just playing around. No monster here. " Jungkook point at his lap gesture Taekook sat on his lap.

" Really? " Taekook ask as he slowly come out from under the table and come to his dada.

" Yes hunny bun. It the baby process. He or she will grew up in dada tummy " Jungkook said as he point at his tummy and Taekook touch his dada tummy smiling as he saw baby bump.

" You'll discharge today. And please took properly medicine and be careful, do not stress and don't do any heavy work " The doctor said as he write medicine description to give Jungkook when he go to pharmacy.

" Taekook will take care of dada! " Taekook said happily and make soldier respect gesture making the nurse 'aww' and cooed to this little tough guy.

" Aw, that so sweet " The nurse said as she lift Taekook chin softly and pull out the candy to give Taekook a candy making Taekook scream in happiness.

" Thank you so much " Jungkook stand up and bow at the doctor and nurse.

Hoseok help Jungkook to walk and Taekook jumping happily eat his lollipop candy while holding his dada left hand with his tiny fingers.

' I need to make suprised for Taehyung ' Jungkook smile at the thought.

" Hyung, can we stop at mall? I want to buy something " Jungkook ask smiling.

" Of course " Hoseok answer simple.

When they arrive Jungkook get in the mall and en

ter shop. He look around and found a cute little teddy bear, he took it and go find cute box, pink pacifier, clothes writing 'Hello Daddy! '. Jungkook pay it and put his pregnancy test and ultrasound picture, all in one and get in the car.

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He smile look at the box

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He smile look at the box. Hoseok and Taekook look at it and smile.

" It cute " Hoseok said as he start the car.

" It for my husband suprised " Jungkook giggle and ruffle Taekook hair making it messier.


It was an awkward because no one talk. Hoseok focus on the road, Taekook sleeping. Jungkook open the radio and play the song to break the silence.


Few minute later, Hoseok stop a sudden.

" Oh no "

" What wrong hyung? " Jungkook ask concern.

" There a tree fallen on the road and we must find hotel and find a conclusion tomorrow " Hoseok said.

" It's fine hyung " Jungkook said calm. " I need to inform Tae " Jungkook check the line but there no internet available there making Jungkook frown.

' What should I do? ' Jungkook ask himself.


Taehyung wait for Jungkook and it almost 12:00a.m. already but Jungkook still hasn't come back. He really mad right now. He punch the table making vase fall and broke into pieces.

Then he got a notification. He immediately find his phone and open to see unknown number send him Jungkook and Hoseok picture, face close like they were about to kiss.

He began more mad. Clenched his fist.

" Kim Jungkook. You must explain all of this when you get home " He said to himself darkly.


801 words

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