Chapter 25

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My body swayed in the hammock as the breeze of the cool air sprung against my face.

It was quiet. Too quiet. Usually someone was yelling, Judith was crying, Daryl was hunting, and Carl was sneeaking up on me.

"Boo!" Carl said grabbing my shoulders.

"Very funny, Carl," I said, my eyes still closed.

"Didn't scare you, eh?" he asked removing his hands and rubbing his chin.

"Nope!" I said popping the P.

He stayed quiet then fell on top of me.

"Gravity! Just. Too. Strooong.." he said his butt landing on my stomach.

"Alright there, Nani," I said opening my eyes.

"What?" he asked.

"Lilo and Stitch doofus," I said rolling my eyes. "You're crushing me, atleast let me be on top."

"That sounds wrong," he pointed out.

I rolled my eyes and he shifted around so his back was on the hammock.

"Yeah, now I have a pillow!" I said burying my head in his chest.

"And I have a blanket. A win-win," He said wrapping his arms around me and putting his head in the crook of my neck.

I sighed and buried my head deeper in his chest. His body gave off heat like a vent and his slow breathing made me all warm and tingly.


I couldn't sleep again. No, not because of Daryl and Carol, but I just didn't feel right.

My body ached from growing pains and I was always cold. 

I wish Carl was here, he's a human vent.

I sighed and threw off the twenty thousand covers that surrounded me. Cold air washed over me and the pounding of rain drummed in my ears.

I opened my door quietly and stepped into the small, open hallway.

The cold floor sent shivers up my spine. 

Could this night get any worse?

I walked down the stairs quietly, trying not to make the old wood creak.

Daryl and Carol were outisde on watch and someone was supposed to be watching Judith.

As I stepped onto the bottom floor, it let out a mild creek. I clenched my teeth and tightened my fists.

I listened for the stomping of feet but heard none.

Right. It's the end of the world. No Williams.

Judith cried out and I whipped my head over to the closed off dining room.

I walked to the door and and pushed it slowly, trying not to make it creek.

Judith kept crying under the window where rain beated down on the window.

I leaned over Judith's "crib" and picked her up gently.

I cradled her in my arms and tried to shush her.

She kept crying and I started to rock her. She didn't stop.


"'s okay Judith. It's just rain." I cooed to her.

Nope. She kept crying and put her hands out.

"I don't know what you want? Pudding? A lullaby?" I asked her,  my brows furrowing.

A lullaby.

I cradled her gently and swayed from side to side.

I sang softly:

"Silent night, holy night.
All is calm, all is bright.
'Round yon, Virgin Mother and Child.
Holy Child so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace,
Sleep in heavenly peace."

Judith's crying slowed and softened then stopped. Her small eyes closed and she let out a soft sigh.

I smirked and continued rocking her back and forth.

Even though she wasn't meant for this world.

It felt like she was meant for mine.


I woke up to the bright sun beaming in my eyes and my door half closed. 

I sighed and put my arm over my eyes while Daryl walked in holding Judith.

"April, time to ge' up," he said while rocking the baby.

I removed my arm and looked at him.

"What're you doing with Judith?" I asked him sitting up.

"I dunno. Just wanted to hold her. Get to know this littled asskicker," he said making a scrunched up face at Judith with a smile.

I smirked slightly and got up.

I kissed Judith's forehead, making her coo slightly and Daryl smirk.

"You're a good dad," I said stroking Judith's soft hair. "Did you ever have kids?"

"Nah, just picked it up I guess," he said slowing down his rocking pace.

"You can't just 'pick it up'. You're either born wit' it or learned," I said looking at him.

"Learned from taking care of you, you goofball," he said scrunching up his face and smiling.

I smirked and leaned on his arm.

He felt more like a dad than an uncle.

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