Chapter 6

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~Carl's POV~

Yes, she was badass, yes she beat me in basketball, but most importantly, she was Daryl's niece.

She rarely had a full smile on her face and rarely got out of her tent unless she wanted to hide in the barn or Daryl dragged her out.

I'm a little scared to talk to her, mostly because I'm afraid I'll do something stupid and Daryl might be angry. Daryl's a good guy, but when it comes to April he turns into a wolf.

I shook my head and continued to sharpen my knife.

"Hey, whatcha doing?" mom said putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Sharpening my knife," I said.

"Why? " She said playing with a piece of my long hair.

"Because walkers could attack. Never know," I replied scratching the metal with my nail.

"We're safe here, baby. Don't need to worry about walkers," She said again twirling my hair with her finger.

"We're never safe," I said.

~April's POV~

I was sitting in the house messing with an old projector I found in the attic. I also found a black and white movie to go with it, but first I had to figure out how to make it work.

"What're doing with that old thing?" Hershel said walking into the kitchen.

"Just...was thinking about setting it up in the barn and watch some old movies," I said putting the top back on the projector.

"'s a little old, but it'll work just fine. I help you set it up later," He said looking it over.

"Thanks..." I said wiping my hands of sweat on my black short shorts.


"There you go, April, all set up," Hershel said standing up.

"Thanks but you really didn't have to. I could've fixed it up myself," I said leaning against the far right wall of the barn where he had set it up and yawning.

"Tired?" he said looking over at me.

"Yeah, not been getting enough sleep lately," I said rubbing my eye then opening them up wide.

"Make sure you do. Sleeping is a neccesity fr health," Hershel said patting my shoulder.

"I will," I said nodding.

I was sitting on a blanket watching an old movie when Carl walked in and sat next to me.

"Whatcha watching?" He said taking his hat off and running a hand through his thick hair.

"I don't know. Some old movie from the 30's," I said trying not to look at him, for I worried I would blush.

"What's it rated?" he asked.

"If I don't know what movie it is how would I know what it's rated? Plus I don't think ratings matter," I said ruffling my hair.

I yawned and slowly closed my eyes. I fell asleep to the rough reeling of the tape on the projector and the sweet chirping of crickets.

~Carl's POV~

I was in the middle of reading one of the dialogue's when I heard April yawn, then a weight fall onto my shoulder.

I looked down and saw that she was asleep. She was so peaceful and calm, not talking, just her slow, steady breathing.

Her head slipped off my shoulder and onto my knee. I smiled at how pretty she was, knowing I'd probably never get a chance to admire her like this again.

I watched the rest of the movie until my dad had called me out.

I took hold of April's head and gently placed it on the blanket. Without thinking, I bent down and kissed her forehead before leaving.


Hope you all liked this chapter and OOOHHHH! CORAL!

Carl and April sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G.  Sorry, I had to.

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