Chapter 34

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"You're never going to find me," I said leaning back onto the giant maple tree I was sitting in. "Just give up already."

"We are too!" Clementine said running over to my tree. She looked all around the base before Carl ran over. He placed his hands on his hips and huffed, cocking his head back to look up. I pressed my pointer finger to my lip with a grin and he smiled.

"Hey Clem," Carl said. She looked at him and he pointed up at me. She giggled and pointed at me.

"Found you!" she laughed. "How'd you get up there?"

"Looooots of practice Clemmy," I said swinging my leg over and I began to climb down.

"April!" Daryl yelled from where we were on the road. "Get your asses back here!"

With one last drop, my feet hit the ground; but not in the way they should.

"Agh! Mother-" I started then bit my lip because of Clem. I fell down onto my butt and grabbed my already busted up ankle.

"Here," Carl said putting his hand out. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up. He put an arm around my waist and helped me kind of walk back to the group.

When we came out of the woods, I let go of Carl and tried my best to walk normal so Daryl wouldn't know. I stopped in my tracks when I saw a group of two men, two teenage boys, three women, and one teenage girl.

"What the fuck is this?" I asked angrily walking up to Daryl. "Who the hell are these people? You can't just let anyone into the group!"

"Just calm down," Daryl said elbowing me as Clementine and Carl made their way to the others. "They ain't in-yet."

"I don't want no more goddamned people," I grouched crossing my arms and putting all my weight on my good foot.

"That ain't your fucking choice, April!" Daryl said angrily, making some of the others look at us.

"Where's my shit?" I asked.

"Over there," Daryl said pointing to where Carol was standing. 

I walked over there and I could feel eyes burning into the back of my head. I snatched my bag off the road and put it on, grabbing my hair and pulling it out so it wasn't tucked under the bag. I looked at the other group and saw that one of the teenage boys was around 18, the other about 15, the girl around 14. The younger one had blonde ruffly hair, a strong jawline, bright green eyes, and very dark circles under his eyes. The older one had black hair with blue highlights that really stood out, bright brown eyes, and quite a bit of red and black under his eyes. The girl had bright blonde hair, soupy brown eyes, prominent cheekbones, and a deadly glare.

The younger one was staring at me, almost spacing off; that was one pair of eyes. The teenage girl was flickering her eyes back and forth between me, Carl, and Clementine, mostly focusing on me; second pair of eyes. I turned back around to see both Daryl and Carl staring at me; three and four.

Am I that interesting?

Rick, Michonne, and Glenn were chatting it up with some of the older survivors. I took my place and stood next to Carl. Daryl gave me one last look before going up next to Rick to help him make a decision.

"They're staring at me," I whispered to Carl, my arms back in their sassy folded position. Go me!

"I know..." he gruffed.

"Oh my god, Carl," I said giggling a bit. "Are you jealous?"

"No!" he snapped looking over at me and furrowing his eyebrows.

"Alright," I said putting my hands up. "That girl keeps staring at us."

"There's a girl?" Carl said surprised.

"Yeah, idiot," I said rolling my eyes. "Weird blonde in the back. Probably our height, if not shorter."

Rick shook one of the men's hands and our groups moved forward to form as one. Daryl came back and I walked right up to him. He grinned at the look of disgust I had on my face.

"What the fuck, Daryl? You're just letting them join?" I said shifting feet again.

"Rick's call. Don't worry," Daryl said sighing. "I'm keeping an eye on the boys. Carl included."

"You don't need to look after Carl," I said rolling my eyes. "Watch out for the blonde, she's giving us a weird look. She's on druuuuugs," I said cupping a hand to my mouth and walking away towards Carl.

"Uh, hi," the younger boy said sticking his hand out. "I'm Ethan. I guess we're all one big group now, aye?"

"Yeah I guess," I said shaking his hand and smirking. "Oh, uh, I'm April."

"Nice to meet you, April," he said slipping his hands in his jean pockets. "So you got any family?

"Uh...yeah," I said nodding as our big group began walking down the road.

"Brother and Dad?" he asked pointing to Carl and Rick.

"Oh no," I said shaking my head. "Rick's the leader, Daryl over there's my uncle. Carl's my...uh, boyfriend." It was so weird calling Carl my boyfriend. I mean, we were dating and all it was just that it was literally the end of the fucking world and I never thought I'd say something like that.

"Oh, sorry," he apologized.

The other members of the group introduced themselves;
-Berry, the oldest at about 50, had shaggy blonde hair, a face of stubble, brown (almost black)eyes,and big  muscles.
-The other man, Hank, had black buzzed hair, blue eyes, and a skinny body. He was about 35
-Justine had short red hair, lots of freckles, stunning emerald eyes, plump lips, and a muscular body. She was about 30.
-Helen was about 25, had long black hair braided on both sides of her hairpart, dark blue eyes, and a very well kept body.
-Ruby was about 28, had very short and boyish brown hair, tattoos up and down her arms, crystal blue eyes, and an okay but curvy body.

It was like hell walking down the streets as soon as our groups teamed together as one.


Yay! A new part! Told ya'll I was getting back into it!

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