Chapter 29

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I woke up to the sun shining straight into my eyes, making me hide under the big comforters.

There was a knock on my door but I ignored it, burrying myself deeper under the covers.

The door let out a creek and then a quiet sound of wood on wood.

"Rise and Shine! You can't kill walkers in bed, April!" Carl nearly yelled, trying to make me laugh.

I stifled a giggle but he heard it. He poked me in the side then in the head.

"Are you awake yet?" he asked poking me again.

"No..." I said poking my eyes out from under the top of the sheets.

"Then how are you talking?" he asked flicking his hat out of his eyes.

"I not!" I replied in a baby voice. "I asleep, see? Honk-shoo, honk-shoo."

He laughed and tilted his head at me.

"Incoming," he simply said before jumping on top of me.

"Hey!" I said hitting him in the face with the covers.

"Ow," he said rubbing his nose.

He rolled on to his side and stared at me. I hissed playfully and slithered back under the warm covers.

"I'm just gonna roll over here since there seems to be no one in here," He said sarcastically rolling on top of me.

"Get your big butt off of me! I. Can't. Breaath!" I said pushing on his upper back.

"Naahh," he said flopping his head next to mine.

I kissed his cheek, and while he was shocked I squirmed out from under him.

"First one downstairs wins!" I said opening the door and putting my hands on my hips.

"You're on!" he said getting off the bed.

"Ready," I said leaning forward, Carl mimicking what I did.

"Go!" I dashed down the hallway and raced down the stairs, Carl trying to catch up.

"Cheater!" he yelled running behind me.

I made it to the bottom floor and crashed into the door, not being able to slow my momentum.

"Look out below!" Carl yelled sliding down the railing. He jumped off and landed on his butt in front of Daryl.

"I win, you lose!" I said scrunching up my nose. Daryl just looked at us like we were two year olds and crossed his arms.

"You cheated!" he said standing up and brushing dirt off his already dirty jeans.

"Did not! You're just to slow!" I said putting my fists on my hips and shaking my head at him.

Daryl snickered at us fighting and shook his head.

"Can you guys act your age now? Rick wants some help in the woods tommorow after we get some plans set up,"  Daryl said leaning against the railing.

"Plans?" Carl asked.

"Your dad wants to make this place more safe," Daryl said simply.

I zoned out as they were talking and got lost in thoughts.


I slicked my hair back in to a ponytail and redid my bandages on my back in front of my shiny mirror that hung over my dresser.

My mom knocked on my door and came in just as I finished putting my shirt on.

"You have Phy-Ed today, April. Make sure you dress appropiately," she said leaning her frail body against the frame of my door. 

I nodded and pulled my only tennis-shoes on. 

"Mom?" I asked quietly.

"Yes?" she asked softly.

I bit my lip and thought slowly.

"What is it April?" she asked pushing off of the door and sitting next to me on my small bed.

"Uh..nevermind," I said getting up and away from her. 

I couldn't ask her. It wasn't right to just ask your mom if your step-dad abuses her like he does to you.


I finshed my English homework, first as always, and slipped my workbook into my blue binder.

"Phy Ed time! Put your pencils or pens or whatever down and go down to the gym!" Mrs. Evans said very loudly.

Our class had about 30 kids and only 1 I could truly call my friend. Others made efforts, some didn't, and then there was the 'Group'.

They found flaws in everyone except themselves and brought others down.

I quietly walked down the hall with Ali, making sure to stay in the back and keep my head down.

I had done my best to cover up my black eye and cut lip with some of my mom's makeup, but I didn't want anyone to notice.

We had to play dodgeball in Phy-Ed, and luckily Ali was on my team.

Parts of the floor were wet with water from small leaks in the ceiling that no one could find, making small pools of water here and there.

More and more people from my team were getting out, but not me. I just dodged any ball that accidently made it's way towards me.

I turned away to look over at Ali who was sitting on the bench. That was mistake number 1.

When I turned back towards the game a ball collided straight with my black eye, stinging my face.

Whoever threw the ball had some force, for it knocked my head back.

I cupped my eye and felt some water around my cheekbone.

Mistake number 2.

Ali ran up to me and took me to the bench while some kids on the other team snickered and got scolded by the gym teacher.

Ali took my head in her hand and tilted it up. A tear streamed down my cheek and a wave of anger washed over her face.

She saw my black eye and thougth the ball had done it. She gritted her teeth and ran onto the court, leaving me to the teacher and some on lookers.

I peered over my shoulder and saw here pick up a ball and some kids on the other team yelling that I got out fair and square and that she wasn't in the game any more.

She chucked the ball straight at whoever threw it at me, hitting him square in the nose.

The teacher blew her whistle several times before going on to the court and grabbing Ali and the kid by their ears.

Ali cringed and gave me an apologetic glance before the teacher barked at me to follow her.

The other gym teacher took over class while we were dragged to the principal's office.


Ali would do anything for me, whether it was helping me get through times in which I couldn't eat or straight up punching some kid in the face.

She was awesome, which made it even harder when the outbreak came.

I never forgot her.

I still remember her.

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