Chapter 32

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It was around 12 a.m. when I woke up. I rubbed my eyes and looked over at Carl who was facing the window of my big room. He would come in after his dad checked on him to make sure he was alright and just lay with me. I didn't mind; it got pretty cold at night and he was practically a heater.

I slipped out of bed and grabbed my flashlight and machete. I grabbed a sharpie and quickly scribbled on a notepad that was next to my bed, Going out for a while, should be back before 3 a.m. -April

I went over to the window and opened it up, careful not to wake Carl. He shifted and I froze, not wanting him to see me sneaking out. He rolled over and balled up, aware of the cold air that swept through the window. I climbed down an old flower ladder and turned my flashlight on.

It was dangerous to go out at night, but Daryl and Rick would never let me go out by myself. The flashlight illuminated the dark cold night poorly, making it eerier than usual. I walked slower than usual, my ankle sending surges of pain through my leg and foot with each step. I gritted my teeth and tracked back to where I killed the walker.

It was still there.

I sighed and put the flashlight in my mouth, gripping it tightly with my teeth. I held back the tears as I looked at the face of the Walker. I shook my head and pulled back the dress on the body to look at the hole that was in her stomach.

There were multiple broken ribs, explaining why it was so easy for me kick through it.

Something shined in the light and I looked at her neck. I pulled back her medium length hair and grabbed a thick silver cross that hung around her neck. I ripped it off, knowing the old rusty chain would just unclasp with ease.

I checked my watch and realized it was almost 2 a.m. It took me about an hour to track the body down and I had been inspecting it for another hour.

I sighed and shook my head towards the ground.

The nights were warming up and spring was coming, but it was still cold and the ground had quite a bit of snow on it for it being Georgia.

I stood up and headed back to the house, taking the flashlight out of my mouth and making sure to make little to no noise.

I turned the flashlight off as the moon lit up the area around the house by bouncing off the big beautiful windows.

I could faintly hear Beth singing to Judith from the kitchen and I smiled. I quietly snuck back up into my room by going up the flower ladder.

The window was still open, thank god, and I went inside. Carl was sprawled over the bed with the comforter on the floor, his body heat keeping him warm.

I quietly shut the windows and set my stuff back where it was. I slipped my boots off and laid down next to Carl, pushing him slightly so he would move.


"April, get up, we're going hunting," Daryl said in his scratchy voice barging into my room.

"5 more minutes," I said very tired from being out in the woods.

"Whys your shoes got so much mud and water on em'? I thought you just washed them," Daryl commented as I pulled the comforter over my head to block out the sunlight. "What's this?"

I groaned and threw a pillow at Daryl.

"Go hunt your own fucking squirrels, I need sleep," I mumbled as Daryl threw it back at me.

"Shut up! I'm trying to sleep!" Carl whined.

"So am I!" I whined back.

I could hear Daryl huff at knowing that Carl was in my bed and he stalked out of my room, closing the door behind him with a big BANG.

I fell back asleep for several hours before Daryl and Rick came in to wake us up.

"Wake up! It's nearly Noon!" Rick called pulling the comforter off of us.

"No it ain't! It's 11:30!" I said looking at my watch.

"That's late enough! The dead don't care about your beauty sleep!" Daryl said stalking over to my side of the bed. He put a finger under my brow and lifted my eye open. I swatted his hand away and laughed.

"I'm up, I'm up!" I said swinging my legs over the side of the bed and throwing the covers on top of Carl.

"Carl! Get up," Rick said throwing the covers off of him as Daryl went back downstairs.

"I don't wanna!" Carl whined. Rick kept trying to wake him up and get him out of bed but Carl didn't move. Rick huffed and went downstairs with Daryl, but not before giving me a look that said 'Get him up!'

"Caaaarrrllll..." I said walking over to him.

"What?" he asked grouchily.

"Don't give me that attitude, young man!" I said putting my hands on my hips like an old lady.

"I'm older than you!" he huffed pulling the comforter out of his eyes.

"I don't care. Get-" I grabbed his legs "UP!" I pulled him out of bed and he landed on top of me, the comforter coming down with and falling on top of us.

"I'm awake!" he said throwing the covers off of us.

"Good!" I said kissing his nose playfully. I got up and went off to get ready for the day.



I have been really busy with writing this fanfictiony type stuff about the Janoskians in my GoogleDocs and hadn't realized how long it had been since I'd been on Wattpad.


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