Chapter 36

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Marcus' P.O.V 

"I'm sorry Mr. Knight, we tried our best-" 

"What" I shouted, making a move towards him. James hold me back and told me to let him finish. 

"As I was staying, because of where your wife was shot the surgery was very complicated. During the surgery there were complications and unfortunately, the baby didn't make it" My legs gave up from underneath me, James held me and helped me to a seat. I wasn't a man that usually wore his emotions on his sleeves but at this moment I couldn't hold it in. Everything that I was feeling intensified: the sadness, the guilt, the anger. I couldn't believe that our child was no more, that means that when my wife wakes I'm gonna have to tell her that our child didn't make it. I didn't want to do this to her, I knew it would kill her inside. 

There was crying all around, James went to get more information about how Rebecca is doing and when we can get to see her. James came back and told us that she is being transported to a private room and she will only be allowed, one visitor. After pulling myself together I made my way to the private room that Rebecca would be staying in. James followed me to the room, I didn't need him to but I appreciated his support and I love him for it.

"It's okay, you can do it," he said to me when we arrived at the room.

"Really, because I don't feel like I can....... do any of this. I've - I've lost so much" I couldn't even put on a brave face to see her. I needed to be strong because when she hears the news, she's good needs someone strong to hold on to. I have to be strong and I was everything but strong. 

"Hey, you and Rebecca don't have to go through this alone; we are here for you. You both are going to be okay" I nodded, I didn't really believe it but I could force myself to and just hope.

I took a deep breath and then walked into the room. My breath was stolen away when I saw her lying still on the hospital bed. The sound of the heart monitor was haunting. I couldn't stop the tears from falling, I walked over to her, kneeling beside her bedside.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry. I should have found you sooner. I should've protected you better, I failed you and I'm sorry for that" I said, breaking down. James left to give me some much-needed privacy.

I spent the rest of my time crying. I didn't want to leave but I knew that I had to go. For the week of her stay I visited her, even bribed the hospital so I could stay after visiting hours. I needed up getting a room and staying at the hospital. After a week, Rebecca was discharged from the hospital and we were able to cry her home.

Rebecca wasn't doing so good, she was healing fine but she was quieter than often and some times she would even space out for an hour or more. I knew it was because of the death of our child, I told her about it the day after her surgery when she woke up. She was distraught when she heard the news. She blamed herself which I thought was so off, the person who was responsible was Madison and I will move sure that she rotted in jail. And when I told her I realized that it is unfair of me to blame myself.

I tried my best to help her and I suggested that we went to therapy two months after because I knew that I couldn't help her on my own when I wanted to help myself. First, we went separate then together. Madison was sentenced to forty-five years in prison, it made Rebecca and me safer but we weren't back to normal, far from it. 

Rebecca's P.O.V

" I feel that I failed both of them. I couldn't keep him alive, I should have tried harder. I should have saved my son instead of myself. But if I didn't go out by myself that day, I would be holding my son today" I sobbed, my therapist, waiting patiently for me to calm down. It took me nearly a month for me to finally open up to someone and when I did, it hurt even more. 

"Rebecca-" and she continues to tell me what she has been telling me every week for the past month. It hasn't been working because honestly I haven't even come to terms with the death of my son so how am I going to heal. I think that maybe I should change my therapist. 

After my session I made my way home, recently the only time I left home was for my therapy session. At least three bodyguards were with me every time I go out, I wasn't even mad anymore because I don't trust myself anymore. 

When I was ten minutes away from my home I got a call from the prison that Maddison was spending her time, asking if I would take the call. I was shocked, why would Madison call me and what did that sick monster want to say to me. I wanted so bad to yell at her and maybe seeing her locked up will maybe me feel better. 

Should I go or not.


I hope you like the chapter 

I'm sorry I killed the child, it was a hard decision😶.

We have just one more plot twist before this book ends😅.

See you in the next update 

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