Chapter 34

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Rebecca's P.O.V

Madison escort me into the warehouse and tied me to a chair when we got in. She walked away so that she could have a conversation with the person that just called her. I watched her as she walked away and when she was out of site , I sighed in relief.

She hasn't found out about the phone, I hope that Marcus heard, and was on his way her. I observed my environment, the inside of the warehouse wasn't as bad as the outside. It was barely furnished, with only two chairs and a table. On the table was a clutter of things , there was some papers there and other items I couldn't identity.

After a few minutes, she came back. She went to sit at the table where she stayed hunched over papers for a long time.

I was getting hungry, I know that wasn't something a person thinks about in a situation like this but I was a pregnant women and my stomach didn't understand that food was the last time I was thinking about.

"Madison" I called

"Yes" she answered annoyed, she looked up from the papers for a quick minute before she went back to work. I decided against voicing my predicument.

"Why did you kidnap me " I asked instead. I could at least learn why she took me while I waited for Marcus to come or for Madison to do something.

"I guess if that's your last dying wish , I could answer you" I wasn't that surprised because everything was leading to this point. I'm scared but I'm always holding on the last strand of hope because that's all I can do in the moment.

"You don't deserve him"she starts while pulling her chair towards me.

"No one deserves him, I put all my time and you took him away from me. I've been with him from the beginning" I didn't comment and didn't plan on commenting on anything she said.

"No matter how many girls came, I was always the one he came back to" probably because you were a good friend I thought.

"Even when that bitch Olivia broke his heart, I was there. I love him and I know he loves me too but he doesn't know it yet. Yeah, that's right, he doesn't know it yet"

"I was so close , so close to making him mine but then you came along and ruin everything" she screamed the last part "And no matter what I did, you wouldn't leave . I tried the death threats , you still didn't run the other direction. I even planned the cheating stunt and you got back with him" I was shocked, she was responsible for all that. So that means we wrongly accused Zoe, Oh my God . I felt so guilty for putty an innocent women in jail , tearing a family apart.

She was there ranting, walking back and forth and the only thing I could think about is what a horrible person she is .

The phone started to ring and my heart started to race because I thought that it was mine but then again I silenced the phone. She took out her phone to and answered it, I  sighed in relief. It's been a good while since we've been here, I wonder how far away he was. 

Suddenly Madison came stomping towards me angrily. 

"You bitch" she yelled, my head swung to the side from the impacted of the slap. The pain was unbearable and my cheeks still pulsed some time after. If I wasn't of a darker skin tone, her hand print would have been showing on my skin. She start unraveling the ropes.

"Where is it" she hissed, I was confused for a minute then it clicked, could she have found out about the phone. That was the only possible thing she could be searching for. She pulled me into my feet, my hands were still tied behind my back. She started to pat me down and I knew now that she found out about the phone, how I wondered. The phone was silent so there was no way that she could have found out, I never made any bodily hint towards it. Did she have someone on the outside, someone that was watching Marcus perhaps and he was heading towards us so they put two and two together. 

I was drawn out of my thoughts when her hand reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone. "How" she whispered to herself but it was loud enough that i heard " How did I miss this" 

"I would have kept you alive for a little while longer but he's on his way and I need to be gone by the time he gets here and you need to be dead"  she said  "This wasn't how it was suppose to end, you know, if you just left none of this wouldn't have happened. Why didn't you leave" she screamed the last part then pointed the gun at my baby bump.

"You weren't suppose to be conceived, a mistake,  that's what you are just like your mother. It was a mistake that she entered his life and I have to correct that mistake, yes I have to" she lifts the gun from my bump to my head. 

"Madison, please don't do this, please" I pleaded, tears was running rapidly from my eyes. Marcus wasn't gonna make it 

"Yes I do, I have to do this . Its the only way we can be together, I have to do this and I'm  gonna do this "  she said, it was like she was trying to convince herself . 

"Madison , you don't have to . I'll leave just please don't do this , don't kill me and my child"  I pleaded. 

"No" she shock her hand "Your lying" she screamed, she pointed the gun to my stomach and I heard the safety go off. I closed my eyes, praying silently . 

Two shots were fired 


It's been a while

Hope you enjoyed this long awaited update 

Who do you think got shot

Did Marcus make it in time 

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