Chapter 19

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The whole situation was unbelievable.
She heard the thud of a person falling on the ground.

She heard Haz gasp and take a deep breath.

She reacted before the other two shooting the man who shot the bullet.

As soon as she shot him she made sure there was no one else in the room.
Then when she was sure she dropped her gun and ran towards him. Her heart racing.

The other two boys were already kneeling down beside him.
Both of them had tears stinging their eyes.

She slowly approached him. The pool of blood around him, making her dizzy.
She sat down near his head and put his head on her lap.

His eyes were half open, his heart beat slowing down.
She observed the wound, the bullet had entered his abdomen, puncturing a major organ.

She didn't want to say 'it's ok' because it wasn't.
He smiled at her with his last bit of energy.

"I'm sorry. You don't deserve this." She muttered, tears, sorrow and guilt blurring her vision.

"It wasn't your wasn't anyone's fault." He muttered with his last breath.

His eyes closed. She knew it. He was gone. Forever.

"I'm so sorry Jake. I really am. It should have been me not you." Juliet wailed.

"I promise I won't touch your Pringles man." Haz muttered holding his lifeless hand.

Tom was still inspecting his wound
"Wh...why are you guys crying? He...can be brought back. He still isn't...isn't gone, is he?" Tom muttered, his hands trembling.

Haz shook his head. Tom buried his head in his hands.

Juliet was so worried about Tom, that she hadn't considered the possibility of her friends dying for her.

They heard yelling and a lot of footsteps behind them.
Haz got up and as soon as James Capone entered the room he fired a shot that hit him, exactly on his head.

Everybody just stood stunned. James men didn't even attack them.

Time skip

Juliet, Tom and Harrison sood around the tomb of the abandoned funeral ground.
The weather was sunny and beautiful.
Quite a contrast to what they felt.

Tom put his hand on Juliet's shoulder.
She nodded and walked forward, she took out a piece of paper from her pocket. Her hands trembled.

"I remember when we met I was a scared 13 year old recruit. You were a scared 15 year old trainee. When I couldn't get my bullet proof jacket straps on you helped me. When I couldn't understand the basic of shooting you helped me. You were always there for me through the worst and best and now I'm at my worst, but aren't here." Her voice shook, tears fell.

Tom squeezed her hand.
She coughed a little and continued
"Years ago I remember Jake you told me I had a creative mind so I should try poetry and I did. I wrote a little poem for you from the last two days. It's a bit sucky but it's my first attempt."

Juliet said reading from the paper, along with her hands, her voice shook.

"Here goes -
He is human,
He was human.
When I met him I was no one.
He loved everyone.
To hate,
Wasn't his fate.
He loved to live,
He loved to love.
He was a friend,
He was a true friend.
Fought with me till the end
Fought for me till the end.
He laughed
He smiled.
But now,
Along with him all hope died.
This is pain no one can bear,
Life is never fair
To the universe I plead,
Give him,
A life to lead,
A life to lead and complete.
Give him,
What he deserves
You freed him from this curse,
This curse our simple minds call life.
Now at least
Don't let him thrive
Give him if it exists,
The best afterlife.
It's too late
To save his fate.
But now,
Give him what he deserved,
Keep his memories ever preserved.
Oh lord
I'm a sinner
I'm a killer.
Forgive me
Though you shouldn't.
Yes, that was Jake
He never let anyone's hope break
For a friend
A bullet he would take.

I hope you think this isn't very sucky Jake.
I...I am sorry.
If you can please forgive me. I love you."

She said folding the paper and putting it back in her pocket.
Tom hugged her tightly.

Haz placed a box of Pringles on his grave.

"Hey man. I saved you these." Haz muttered.

The three of them walked away, hand in hand.

Time skip

Juliet still remembers the day she told Tom. It was after Jake's little funeral.

A few months ago

Haz had locked himself in a room in Juliet and Tom's room.

Tom and Juliet just laid on the bed.

"What happend to his family?" Tom asked.

"He...he doesn't have one. He only knew his mother but she passed away when he was 6. Then the Headquarters recruited him from an orphanage, he was well trained at the age of 15. I...I was his family."
She whispered.

Tom pulled her closer to him.

They laid there for a while.

"Tom?" She whispered.


"Uh...I'm sorry i didn't tell you this earlier, I didn't want to worry you.
Tom I...uh I'm pregnant." She said very quickly.

He looked at her and sat up on the bed. She sat up next to him.

"" He muttered a bit dazed.

She looked at him nervously.

Tom stood got down from the bed. He quickly walked to her side of the bed. He picked her up

"That's amazing." He shouted swinging her around.
She laughed, relieved.
He laid her back on the bed. Lifted her tshirt up exposing her tummy and peppering kisses across her stomach.
She ran her fingers across his hair.

"Hey baby. Daddy here and uh...I can't wait for you to come here." He muttered against her stomach.

"Hey Harrison. Get your ass here." Tom shouted.

Haz came running his eyes were red.
"Wha...what happened?"

"Guess what? Juliet's pregnant." Tom said.

"I knew." Haz said smiling.

" knew?"

"Yeah man. Everyone knew other than you."

"Uh...okay." Tom muttered.

Juliet smiled at the two boys.
"Harrison Osterfield I now pronounce you godfather." Juliet said poking his arm.

"Really?" Haz asked.

"It's like she can read my mind." Tom muttered.

They had a little group hug and they stood there for a while. In the comfort and warmth of each other.

Present day

Juliet, Tom and Haz sat on the sofa watching a movie.

Juliet was now glowing and the bump was huge.

Tom's hand rested on her stomach.

Jake's death was still fresh, but they hoped this baby would be the start of a new life.

Sorry guys.
Also sorry if the poem was shitty. I don't know much about poems.

Keep tuned, epilogue coming up and sorry again.

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