Chapter 3

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Harrison watched as Tom and Juliet were flirting with each other. He could see Tom almost blushing. Almost. But Tom was an excellent actor, he kept his expression neutral and unfaltering.

Tom looked into the eyes of the beautiful Juliet Angelos. He felt his heart beating a bit faster as her lips were millimetres away from his. He never had his heart beating like this. His heart was so calm that sometimes he wondered if he had a heart but here it was beating like crazy proving to him that it existed. Juliet leaned back and stood up with a semi satisfied smile.

She walked till the entrance where Haz was standing and turned around and said to Tom "You could stay for lunch and drinks if you want. And you friend"

"Harrison. Harrison Osterfield." Said Haz.

"Yes, Harrison you could also accompany Tom for lunch if you have the time. "She said.
"Haz here is my right hand man and best mate." Tom said appearing behind her his hands in his pocket." We would love to accompany you to lunch..." he paused and continued "Juliet" he said with a little slur in his voice "But ..." he continued in his normal voice " I'm afraid we have some matters to handle. Sorry....Juliet." He said a wicked smile playing on his lips.

She smiled at him and said " See you tomorrow Tom..."

She walked out with her secretary walking side by side with her.

Juliet thought of the brown eyes of Tom Holland. She had noticed golden flecks in his brown cold eyes. Normally when Juliet was in such close acquaintance of a man he tended to lose his cool but Tom Holland had continued looking at her with the same stone cold expression. In fact he had even teased her back. 

"Quite a man isn't he Ms. Angelos?" Asked Ashley with a smirk. "Shut up Ashley." Juliet said playfully punching her assistant's arm.

Tom watched as the girl walked away talking to her assistant and punching her assistant's arm playfully. "What just happened?" Haz asked. "What do you mean." Tom asked masking his nervousness with annoyance. He looked at her walking away laughing. 'She is still too young to be in this business.' He thought to himself. 

"Stop pretending Tommy boy just accept the fact that for the first time in your life your heart acted faster than your brain." Haz said poking Tom's hand playfully. 

"Stop acting immature Haz. It was just a little bit of flirting. That's all." Tom said, he could hear the lie in his own voice.

"Ok whatever you say Tommy boy." Haz said, apparently deciding to drop it, to Tom's relief.

Time Skip to the next morning

Tom stood yet again along with Haz in front of Juliet's chamber. Tom walked in as Haz waited outside. Today she wore a black pencil skirt and a white shirt with thin, black pinstripes.

 Her black her tied back into a tight and high ponytail. She was standing in front of the large window with her back towards him she was looking out the window. She turned around as he walked in. His heart skipped a beat as soon as she turned around to face him. He couldn't understand how his heart and body were performing little involuntary actions when he was around her, his body seemed to be out of his control. She smiled and said 

"Hello Tom. I see you are a man of your words. You came here exactly as promised. Now the contracts."
Tom handed her the contracts. 

She buzzed her intercom and Ashley walked in 

"Ashley dear, would you please send Raymond in to check the contracts in 10 mins." Juliet said.
"Yes Ms. Angelos." Ashley replied already on her way out closing the door behind her. 

Tom watched her as she was reading the contracts with at most concentration.
"Uh...Tom about section 23 paragraph 2 it says that 'If a either Party A or Party B meet with a sudden death without a family member then all the properties and businesses will be transferred to the remaining Party.' Now I hope this contract or this particular part of the contract stands only until either of us get a heir provided we ever do decide to get married or have kids."

"Of course Juliet. It expires after either of us have kids or whatever if that ever happens. It is mentioned in section 39 paragraph 4." Tom said shooting her a charming smile. The words his father said a few days ago played back in his mind 'Kill the girl and her father and take over the business' his dad had said, looking at the beautiful girl the thought made him...sad. Sad? Was that sadness he was feeling? Did he ever feel that before?

Then there was a knock on the door and a man walked in. Tom assumed he was the Raymond person. He read the contracts and nodded at Juliet. She smiled and then Tom and her signed the contract with Raymond and Haz as witnesses. 

It was done, the deal was made. The partnership was formed.

To be continued...

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