Chapter 8

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"Target 1,2 and 3 taken out boys." Juliet said into her earpiece which was disguised as an earring. She looked down at the girl and her 2 bodyguards lying on the ground...knocked out. She was supposed to be meeting Jack Salt because the girl had cough...cough...job to do with him. She was popular for her cough....cough...job.
"Is she hot?" She heard Haz speak through the earpiece.
"Uhhh...excuse me?" She asked.
"Yeah. Is she hot?" She heard Tom repeat the question talking through the earpiece.
"What are you guys taking about?" She asked as she was dragging the 3 people to a corner she didn't want anyone walking on 3 unconscious people before they got out.
"Oh c'mon she the lady you just knocked out is she as hot as they say?" Haz asked.
"Seriously is that what you want to know now? You too Tom? Ok but to answer your question I think she isn't thaaat good looking."
"Of course you do. You are jealous of her." Haz said.
"Why the hell would I be je-" Juliet started.
"Ok don't fucking start bickering again. I'm getting a migraine. God." Tom interrupted.
"Ok whatever c'mon boys are you done?" She asked.
They walked out wearing suits. She was going to pretend to be the girl while the guys pretended to be her bodyguards.
Tom was looking really good in his well fitted black suit. She noticed that he hadn't slicked his hair back like he usually did. His curls hung around his face...distracting her. She remembered what she told him in the morning. The thought that he actually followed her silly advice made her smile.
Haz gave her a funny look and said "What's so funny Angelos? Tom I told you she was unstable and it was a bad idea to bring her on th-"
"Shut up Osterfield. The thought of the two of YOU being MY bodyguards was funny that's all." She snapped back before he could finish his sentence.
"Ok here's the thing let's make a small rule Juliet and Haz you both can only speak to each other only about our little robbery or retrieving mission. Am I clear." Tom said his voice was calm but his deadly face made it clear that he was veryyy serious.
"Ok whatever." Juliet mumbled.
They walked up to the security gaurds near in front of the door. They had managed to break into the gate it was password secure but Haz had hacked it. Now they only had to get through the guards without attracting unnecessary attention. Jack had a huge mansion with fountains and stuff in the garden.

Tom watched as Juliet walked up to the gaurds and gave them a charming smile. He was almost jealous that the smile was not directed towards him.
"Excuse me handsome but I'm supposed to be meeting Mr. Salt today but I lost the signed papers he had given me for entry." She said with a slurry voice. "I kept it somewhere here for safekeeping..." she said running her hands near her breast as if she had kept the papers there. "But I don't know where they went. So could you be a love and please let me in of course you should call ask Mr. Salt if I have an appointment first then you can let me in." She said giggling and making goo-goo eyes at them.
The gaurds were staring at her their mouths open there whole time. They almost lost it when she ran her hands through her breast. Tom didn't like the look they were giving her. He was almost tempted to drown them in on of the fountains. But he restrained himself as they snapped out her spell and one of them said. "Of course miss it would be my pleasure to help you out." He said hastily grabbing the phone at the same time as the other gaurd they seemed to be having a silent argument on which of them would help the gorgeous damsel in distress. All the time while Juliet was seductively smiling at them.
Then finally one of them grabbed the phone and spoke to Jack as the other one stared at Juliet.

As they walked into the mansion Haz whispered "I can't believe that actually worked. I mean who in their right mind would actually keep such important papers in their dress. Angelos I didn't know you had it in you. You should tell Jack Salt to upgrade his security system, preferably to people who are immune to your charms."
"Did you just almost compliment me? I thought you-" Juliet stopped herself from speaking further because she just remembered the rule Tom made. She didn't want to upset the two people who were going to get her out of this place.
"Ok Juliet go in now. We will tell you as soon as we get the files. All the best. And try not to get killed." Tom said Juliet's heart fluttered as she saw a little concern in those normally cold eyes. Shut up heart she told it.

"Ewww...gross God I can't believe I have to flirt with a man almost twice my age." Juliet said scrunching her nose in an adorable way. As soon as Juliet said that Tom saw Haz trying really hard to bite back a comment. He wasn't sure why Haz didn't like her. Even Tom didn't want her doing this but he knew if things got sticky she is more than capable to handle herself.
"Uhh...I think the curls look adorable on you Tom." She said blushing. Blushing? Was she actually blushing or did he misinterpret her reaction. Tom was kind of glad she noticed as he didn't slick his hair back like he usually does just because of what she said that morning. He promised himself he would stop having feelings for her but every time he saw her his feelings seemed to get stronger as if they already weren't strong enough. Haz raised an eyebrow at Tom clearly about to ask a question. Tom didn't make eye contact with Haz and Haz probably got the clue and didn't say anything.
He watched as Juliet walked into the room where Jack was supposed to be. He got a sneak into the room as she opened and closed the door. The room was dimly lit with soft pink light and soft music playing.
As soon as she was gone Haz snickered and said "Poor guy he has everything ready to have the night of his life but if he as much as tries to kiss her she would probably leave him with a couple of broken bones. " He continued "I really hope she doesn't lose her virginity to HIM." Haz said roaring with laughter. Tom also snickered at that.
Juliet probably heard them speaking and snickering through her earpiece because as soon as Haz said that and Tom laughed, she did something that made their earpieces to screech loudly. Tom and Haz groaned and put their hands on their ear. If Jack wasn't there she probably would have sworn. But since Jack was with her she took revenge in a creativemanner by tryingto make them deaf by one ear. Tom didn't even do anything other than laugh but yet he got punished.
Haz and Tom started walking to the room where the documents were kept. Tom hoped Juliet would be fine as they took off.

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