Chapter 6

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Juliet woke up feeling like someone was trying to cut her head open. As she sat up on a bed her eyes were blurry she could see only specks of blue, white and grey.
"Good morning Juliet." She heard someone say in a thick British accent. The voice sounded familiar. Her eyes cleared up a bit and she saw a gorgeous man with chocolaty curls sitting in front of her at the edge of the bed. She realized with a start that it was Tom Holland. He looked different without the hair gel keeping his hair slicked back.
"Um...Juliet can you hear me?" He asked.
"Uhhhh.... yeah wharhappenwastwight?" She asked groggily.

Tom looked at Juliet sitting up on his bed, he found her morning hair and morning voice adorable, even though he didn't understand what she said.
"Uh... sorry I didn't get you." He said.
She adorably flushed a little, cleared her throat and said "Uh..I was just wondering what happened last night. I mean why am I on your bed?" She looked down at her clothes and widened her eyes and screamed "Oh my god!! Why am I wearing YOUR shirt? God no no no. Please don't tell me we did it last night."
Tom just laughed a little and said "Don't worry Juliet I'm not the kind of guy to take advantage of a drunk girl. As for your clothes on our way here you threw up in the car. I got one of the maids to clean you up and put you to bed. Since you didn't have any clothes here you are wearing my shirt. "
Juliet sighed possibly relieved.
Tom pretended to feel offended and said "Do you find the idea of having sex with me so repulsive that you had to freak out like that?"
Juliet laughed a little and caught herself. Her expression changed to the flirtatious smile that she normally has. She replied with mischief playing in her eyes "Well I won't mind doing it in a sober state handsome." She said leaning closer to him. 'Gosh she is such a tease when she is sober.' Tom thought he decided to tease her back. "Then you wouldn't mind if I did this." He said grabbing her waist and pulling her closer. He noticed her pupils dilating as she was looking back and forth his lips and eyes. He decided to tease her further, he completely let go of her and stood up and said "Would you like to have waffles for breakfast?" Trying his best not to smile.

Juliet looked at Tom as he suddenly let go of her. She wasn't sure what came over her for a second. She never froze like this. She regained her composure and decided that she had to win this round. Before he could walk out of the room she called him out. "Tom!" She walked up to him put her hand around his neck and leaned close to him.

Tom watched as Juliet was leaning dangerous close to him. She was so close as she was speaking her lips brushed against his. "I wanted to thank you for last night." She said innocently looking at him as her lips brushed against his. Tom could practically hear his blood roaring in his ears as all his blood seemed to be rushing into his cheeks. She laughed leaning away his expression must have been quite stupid. "And yes I would love waffles for breakfast." She said smirking.
"Round 1, 1 - 0. Try better Holland." She shouted as she was walking towards the bathroom.
Tom came back to his senses and yelled "I'll get even Angelos."
"All in sweet time love." She said closing the bathroom door. Tom smirked.
'Kill the girl and her father.' He heard his dad's voice say again. He couldn't do it, he couldn't love her and anyways to her he was probably another guy for her to break his heart or another guy to just have fun with. He can't love her.

Juliet walked found her way into the kitchen. It was a huge mansion with so many empty rooms just like hers. She walked into the kitchen to see Tom adding a few strawberries to 2 plates of waffles. She still had an headache from all the drinking last night. "I didn't know you could cook. I mean with all the the I-am-a-lonewolf-and-a-killer vibes you give off all the time nobody would have thought you could cook."
"I'm full of surprises Angelos." He said grinning.
"You should leave your curls to fall around your face and not slick your hair back sometimes. It doesn't give off killer vibes but it makes you look good." She said before she could stop herself. 'What the hell am I saying??!!??' She thought, kicking herself mentally. He didn't say anything. He just smiled and probably unconsciously ran his hand through his hair.
"Uh...We were supposed to be having a meeting at my office today but since you are 3 hours early, we could speak over breakfast. If you dont mind." Tom said placing one of the plates in front of her, sitting down in front of her on the little table in the kitchen.
" mean its totally fine." She said eagerly cutting off a piece of the delicious looking waffle.
"Ok. So here's the thing. There's this guy Jack Salt. This idiot somehow got hold of some classified information of a few illegal jobs that we have done and now he is threatning us and demanding a really high ransom which I can easily pay but-"
"But you don't compensate." Juliet said completely the sentence for him as she was picking up one of the strawberries with a fork. "And now you want my help in retrieving those files but the job should be done by us personally because you can't risk trusting anyone else with the job of retrieving files with such classified information." She said putting the strawberry in her mouth.
"Exactly. You are as smart as they say Angelos." He said grinning at her and pretending to look surprised.
"Did that and got a t-shirt. Even I hate negotiating with complete idiots." She said grinning.

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