Chapter 17

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Juliet felt time slow down as Tom fell on the ground.
She went running towards him, by the time she got near him he was already surrounded by a pool of blood. She dropped to her knees next to him, as she felt the ground slipping underneath her.

She knew it was too late Tom's breathing had become ragged, his eyes half closed and more than a pint of blood surrounded him.

She sat down and slowly brought his head onto her lap. She cried as she cradled his head.
He whispered a tortured 'I love you' before closing his eyes for the last time after giving her a smile for the last time.

She sat on the ground with Tom on her lap, crying.

Haz came and picked her up slowly, tears stinging his eyes. He wrapped his arms around her. Jake stood in a distance, he stood still with shock.

Haz turned her away from the scene and hugged her tightly. He whisperd to her
"It's ok, it's nobody's fault. It's ok, it's ok. Juliet I know that- wake up."

Juliet pulled away from him her grief turning into confusion.

"Wake up." Haz said again.

Juliet woke up with sweat beaded on her forehead. As Haz looked at her with concern.
'It's just a dream.' She told herself, trying to steady her breathing.

"Are you ok?" Haz asked her.
"You have been acting really weird since yesterday." He said concerned.

"Weird? Like how?" She asked a little nervously, wiping the sweat off her forehead.

"You have these headaches, you get nauseous all of a sudden..." he stopped and looked at he carefully and continued slowly "you also refused alcohol and this sudden midday nap...Oh my God! You are pregnant." He practically shouted.

"Shhh! Shut up. Don't shout. Tom might hear you." She said literally jumping out of the bed and closing the door.

"So it's true?" Haz asked whispering this time.

"Yes. But you can't tell anyone." She said calmly.

Haz suddenly came forward and tackled her into a giant hug.
"I'm so happy for you guys." He said into the hug, Juliet felt herself smiling a little. "But I can't do that to Tom. I never hide anything from him." Haz said.

She rolled her eyes at him.
"Ohh...we are best friends, we pinky swore on our friendship bands to never hide anything from each other." She said doing a bad imitation of Harrison.

He scowled at her.

"Haz please I don't want to worry Tom, he has enough on his head and anyways I want to be the one to tell him. Pleaseeee." She said making puppy eyes at him.

"Fineee." He said giving up.
"I'll try my best, to keep it to myself." He said nervously running his hand through his hair.

They heard the door open behind them.
Haz immediately jumped a shouted
"Juliet is pregnant. I'm sorry I kept this from you Tom, she told me to." He said very quickly.

They turned around to see Jake standing at the door stuffing almost a dozen Pringles in his mouth.

Juliet sighed with relief. Haz looked slightly embarrassed at his outburst.

Juliet rolled her eyes and smacked his arm and said
"Thank God James Potter and Lily Potter didn't make you their secret keeper in 'Harry Potter' or they would be dead in seconds."

Harrison just rolled his eyes at her but he was still clearly ashamed and a bit embarrassed.

"I already knew." Jake said with his mouth full of Pringles.

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