Chapter 10

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"That's one thing ticked off the checklist. Pranks." She said fiddling with something.
"Wait so we are doing everything you said." Tom asked looking slightly surprised.
"How are we gonna go to prom."
"We are gonna pretend like we r going to prom."
"What? No. We're not 12 or something."
"Nobody's watching and anyways I dont think you were ever 12 Tom...You've been the 16 year old who took over for his father for way too long." She said, looking into his eyes.

As Juliet looked into his eyes with her beautiful green ones, all Tom wanted to do was grab her face and kiss her till both of them were out of breath. Her words sunk into him after she looked away from him. He immediately instinctively started building the walls around him right back up. He didn't even realize that Juliet had broken those walls.

"I don't want to go to prom." Tom said stubbornly for the millionth time.
"You can't reject an experience you never had." Juliet argued.
"I genuinely don't want to do this. Please...let's do spin the bottle thing instead. What is spin the bottle anyways?" Tom asked.

" basically spin the bottle is exactly what it sounds like. A few people sit in a circle and someone spins a bottle in the center of the circle and whomever two people the mighty bottle points at have to kiss irrespective of the fact of they are straight, gay whatever. If it points thrice at the same people you have to use tongue." She explained.

"So it's basically a way for desperate, needy, hormonal teenagers to get some action." Tom commented.
"Uhh...I would deny that but it's exactly what it is, so I'm gonna say yes you understood the concept perfectly." She said.

"Let's do it." Tom said sitting on the floor in the middle of the room.
"You do realize that we need atleast 3-4 people right?" She asked quizzically.
"Okay." He said grabbing two sheets lying next to him. "These two will also participate with us." He said revealing the sheets which turned out to be sketches of Sebastian Stan and Chris Evans.
"You are kidding. So if the bottle lands on you and Chris you are gonna kiss the pencil sketch?" She asked.
"Yes, glad you understood there concept sweetheart." He said with a crazy grin.
"YOU, are insane." She said laughing.
"Hey! I'm drunk." He said with a shrug. "C'mon it's going to be fun. Just one spin, I promise." He said pulling her down so that she was also sitting on the ground in front of him.

"Now this just looks like an excuse for you to kiss me." She said giggling.
"Well who knows the bottle might not even land on you and me, the probabilitythat the bottle lands on both of us is something like 0.166. Anyways this is more of an excuse to kiss Chris Evans or Sebastian Stan." He said winking.
"Wow! You calculated that quickly. I thought you didn't go to school." She said.
" doesnt mean I'm illiterate." He said rolling his eyes. "We need a bottle. I didn't finish my beer yet."
"We can use my bottle. I finished it long ago but I didn't say anything because I didn't want you to feel embarrassed about you drinking skills." She said holding up her empty bottle for him to see.

"I'm not embarrassed, I'm impressed." He said grabbing the bottle and spinning it.
The bottle landed at Chris and Seb.
He let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding. He hid his disappointment with a laugh.
Juliet also laughed as she said "It's like the universe doesn't want us to kiss and also we just got to know the universe doesn't agree with you kissing Chris or Seb either." Tom got up still laughing weirdly.

He gave Juliet a hand to help her get up she was slightly more drunk than he was but she was sober enough to know what's going on around her. He playfully pulled her up harder than required. She stood up wobbling and and because of the extra force he put on her she crashed against his chest. She was gripping his shoulders for support and he was holding her waist to support her.

The two of them froze in the position looking into each others eyes for what felt like forever. They had no space between their bodies, the only space was between their faces and Tom wanted to close that space so badly.

Juliet wanted to close that little space between them so badly. She saw Tom move his lips closer to hers with only centimeters of gap between their lips now but he did not close his eyes. So she didn't close her eyes either because in case his intentions were twisted and he ended up making her look like an idiot. But now her breathing became heavier with him so close.

Tom felt her body move as she was breathing so heavily that he could hear her breathe. Her hot breath tickled against his mouth. Her grip tightening around his shoulders.

He closed his eyes and pressed his lips against hers. He realised that he had caught her mid kiss. He felt even her lips purse as he pressed his against hers. He realized that even she was leaning forward to kiss him. Their lips moved in sync.

Juliet felt like something inside her was exploding. As Tom started deepening the kiss, a tiny moan escaped her lips, he cupped her cheek with one hand the other one gently resting on her waist.

Juliet hand were in Tom's curls, she tugged his hair a little at which he let out a groan.

They both were kissing and stumbling towards the bed, crashing into furniture but continuing to kiss.

Suddenly there was a loud crash. Both of them immediately jumped apart, breaking the kiss. The door had just banged open. Harrison was standing at the door.
"I'm so sorry I didn't know...uhh...I was just looking for Tom because his father called but...uhh..I think that can wait. I'll just..." Harrison said all of this very quickly and rushed away like he was on fire.

Tom rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, all he wanted to do was kill Haz.

"Uhm...That might be important... I'll just ho check that out." Tom said awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Yeah...I guess I'll see u tomorrow then." Juliet said smiling awkwardly.

Tom just went out of there quickly. Juliet sighed and looked around her room. A couple of chairs were fallen down, most of the easels were crooked or leaning against each other. She just switched the lights off and went to bed in her jeans and everything she was too exhausted to even move. But the kiss replayed in her head a billion times that night. As she was drifting away to sleep she heard the party commotion getting lower and lower. Ashley was probably dispersing the people. Then she drifted off to sleep, thoughts of Tom still running in her head.

Tom woke up with thoughts of Juliet.
He groggily made his way to the kitchen.
"Morning mate. Juliet is in your office she says you guys had a meeting so I was going to come and wake you up but she said she will look over the files since you probably need the sleep. Because you know you were up all night kissing I mean partying." Haz said smirking.
"Shut up Haz."
"So what is the deal with you two?"
"I don't want to talk about it. Tell Juliet I'll be there in 20 minutes."
"Okay, if you ever feel like actually talking I'll be right here." Haz finally said walking away.

Even Tom wasn't sure what was going on, he was nervous to face Juliet. He never felt nervous but that girl had him wrapped around her finger, she could tell him to stab himself and he would happily do it. This was a complete disaster. He didn't want to fall in love with her and to make things worse his father wanted to speak to him probably to plot the death of the girl he loved.

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