Chapter 12

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If you don't want smut skip the part between the dotted lines...

Tom was ready to pick her but there was still an hour left and he was stressed, so he decided to take just one shot of the whiskey. But that quickly became 4 shots.

Haz knocked on Tom's door. There was no response, he opened the door. There sat Tom with a glass in his hand and a bottle of whiskey next to him. The room was partially dark.
"Don't you have a date in a hour? You shouldn't be drinking." Haz said slightly annoyed. Sometimes Tom could be such a div.
"I'm playing a game, its called every time I'm sad or stressed I drink." Tom said raising his glass.
"This game has a name, it's called Alcoholism." Haz said, slowly moving forward and taking the glass from his hand.
"Are you sober enough to take Juliet out or do you want to call and cancel?" Haz asked.
"I'm sober enough, don't worry. I have done way more dangerous things than taking a girl to a date while drunk." Tom said standing up.

Haz switched on all the lights. Tom squinted a little.
"Tom why are you doing this? You know that you are basically in love with a dead girl. Just cancel this." Haz said he was very worried about his boss but more than anything best mate.
"If I cancel she might get suspicious...its just one night, I promise Haz."
Haz sighed he knew once Tom fixed his mind on something, there's no stopping him.

Tom and Juliet were sitting in front of each other in a fancy restaurant. They were talking, laughing. But Juliet looked a little off to him.
"You know not many boys would drink right before a date." Juliet suddenly said smirking.
"Happy hour." Tom said grinning.
"In the afternoon?" Juliet asked giving a mock disbelieving look.
"Its happy hour somewhere around the world, darling." Tom said, holding up his champagne glass.
Juliet just smiled at him, she could say that something was upsetting him, immensely.

"Have you ever been in love?" Tom blurted suddenly, he wasn't sure if it was him or the alcohol speaking.
"I never had time to love. After high school I got into college, I was managing college while handling the mob. Even during high school I hardly had time I was either studying or learning self defense or shooting." She said softly, not meeting his eyes.
"But now you have time. So why not?" Tom said. It was like he couldn't stop himself from speaking.
"Maybe I was waiting for the right person." She murmured.

After this little bit of conversation, the rest of the night was slightly awkward and Tom noticed that Juliet seemed completely off the whole night but she was pretending to be brave, also she only drank less than half a glass of champagne. This wasn't like her at all.

Tom dropped Juliet in front of her house, he got out of the car to walk her her upto the door.

"So do you want to um come in?" Juliet asked him once they got near the door.
The rational part of her screamed at her
'What the fuck are you doing?' But then the crazy part of her just loaded a gun and shot the rational part.

"Uh...I don't know I have an early meeting tomorrow." Tom stuttered lamely.
" It's all right." She muttered mentally kicking herself. "I'll see then. Good night." She muttered.
She turned around to enter the house but as soon as she turned around she felt Tom's hand wrap around her waist. Her back pressed against his chest. Her breathing became heavier.
"Don't you have an early meeting tomorrow?" She asked breathily.
Tom pressed his mouth against her ear and whispered "Then maybe we shouldn't waste anymore time."


He turned her around and their lips met. They stumbled into the house not letting their lips separate. Tom kicked the door close, behind him. They reluctantly separated, they intertwined their hands and Juliet led the way up the stairs and through the long corridors. Tom recognized the way, they were moving towards Juliet's bedroom.

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