Chapter 9

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All Juliet wanted was a fun mission but here she was with an old man. Sigh. She also felt super annoyed by what Haz and Tom just snickered like 5 year olds.
As she walked in she saw Jack Salt sitting on a leather chair behind a desk. She observed the room around her it was lit up by soft pink light,  there was soft music playing in the background, a few scented candles were lit but the worst of all there was a bed with white sheets and rose petals. She almost gagged but she kept herself together. She seductively smiled at him trying to keep her distance.
"Ah! I was waiting for you Ms...?
"Whitney, Whitney Waters." She said lying without hesitation.
She heard a little thud it was probably Tom and Haz those idiots she thought. Jack frowned a little at the sound before he got too suspicious she walked a bit faster towards him and sat on his lap. She cringed in her head as she was sitting down.
"Juliet keep him in and as distracted as possible. We might have messed up a little." She heard Tom saying through her earpiece.  She resisted the urge to go smack them.

Jack was smiling in a weird way as she was sitting on his lap.
"Did it hurt?" Jack asked snapping her out of her daydream of smacking the boys.
"Uh sorry?" She asked.
"Did it hurt Ms. Waters? When you fell from heaven?" He asked possibly proud of himself for saying that.
She almost rolled her eyes and punched him for being cheesy. But she resisted. Instead of punching him she giggled.
"You are so funny and sweet Mr. Salt."
"That would be Jack for you sweetheart."
She giggled again and said. "Ok Jack. I bet you are also really strong and brave." She said running a finger down his nonexistent bicep. He put his hand on her waist pulling her closer.
"Oh yes. I'm a extremely brave man Ms. Waters as a matter of fact I'm so brave that I'm threatening Tom Holland the Mafia King with fake documents and he believes me. Can you believe him?" Jack said roaring with laughter. She was taken aback that they were after fake documents. She really hoped the boys just heard that. She was in luck because she heard Haz swearing and something breaking through the earpiece.
"Juliet abort mission and execute Plan Alpha." She heard Tom saying.

Jack was now leaning forward to kiss her. She knocked him out with a measured blow to the side of his neck. He immediately crumpled underneath her she stood up and let him fall down.

She quickly stood up and walked out of the room. As she was turning a corner she felt someone pull her into the corner, she got ready to throw a hard punch at the person's jaw but it turned out to be Tom.
"Whoa! Dont punch me Supergirl." Tom teased. She rolled her eyes at him.
"Um.. Guys I think the gaurds found their passed out boss and they might be coming for us now." Haz said.

The three of them started walking towards the exit quickly but the guards behind them now were suspicious so they started approaching their party of three. Three against atleast a dozen guards not great odds. The three of them knew that it was no use trying to blend in now. So they started running with the guards yelling behind them.

As they were running Tom saw the guards take out their guns from their belts. Tom was about to push Juliet in front of him and Haz since she had no way of defending herself atleast the two of them had guns. But before he could do that she started taking her heels off he figured it couldn't be easy running with heels on. He let her take them off before executing his plan.
"I told you heels were a bad idea." Haz muttered.
She just rolled her eyes and started breaking the heels off the shoes. Tom just looked at her dumb founded as the gunshots started behind them. Before Tom even blinked the broken heel was now a gun but the handle was the colour of the heel. Juliet turned back and shot.
She glared at Tom and Haz and said "Do you sissies know to shoot with those guns in your hand or do you need me to protect you?" Haz muttered something and shot, Tom was grinning as he was shooting. They made it to the exit and got into three car and drove away.

"So we are just gonna leave Jack. I mean here lied to us." Juliet said. Tom smiled and said "We can deal with him later now it is party time. We gotta celebrate the fact that this mission was kind of a success.

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