Chapter 1

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Tom and Harrison sat in the club owned by the Hollands. Music was thumping loud enough to cause ripples in the drink in Harrison's hand, the club was dimly lit and florescent lights of multiple colours flashed around him. The smell of alcohol and sex surrounded him, it was slightly overwhelming though.

 Harrison watched as Tom sipped his drink looking slightly bored but then Tom always looked bored Harrison thought. 

Two girls were eyeing Tom and Harrison. Harrison decided to ignore them, but Tom decided he would take one of them home tonight. He looked at both the girls when they were busy dancing , one girl wore a sequined red dress that clung to her body and shimmered as she moved, showing off her curves and the other girl wore a sparkly silver top and a little black skirt. He decided he liked the girl in red. 

  When the girls finished dancing and sat  down Tom asked the bartender to give a drink to the girl in red. Harrison rolled his eyes when he saw Tom buying a drink for the girl.

"Tom didn't you have a girl over just last night. You know you are getting more and more unstable as the days pass. Would you just let it be for at least one night. Please mate." Said Harrison. 

Tom just ignored him, he heard Harrison sigh but Tom looked at the girl as she received her drink and the bartender was pointing at Tom. She giggled and shot him a seductive smile. Harrison saw Tom reacting like he did every time, Tom just looked at the girl with the never changing cold eyes.

Time Skip
The girl woke up in the morning to find herself lying on a posh empty bed. She looked around the huge room, she really had not paid attention to the room the previous night but then nobody would pay attention to anything else when a handsome stranger is hovering over one's body.

She walked out wearing a shirt that was lying on the ground. She saw the cute blonde guy in the club who was along with the guy she came with. She wondered where the man was with whom she slept last night. She decided to ask the blonde guy.

"I don't mean to sound like a teenager but um did he say anything about me , I mean you and him looked like best mates or something."

   Harrison felt a bit awkward saying this , Tom did this to every girl he slept with. Tom would bring them home sleep with them and then next morning he would disappear before the girl woke up and Harrison was left breaking the news to the girls that to Tom it was only a one night thing. He looked at the girl and said

 "Listen I'm sorry to say this but he is not interested in you anymore , to him it was only a one night thing. I'll get someone to get you some clothes then the driver will drive you to wherever you please."

  As usual the girl cried and screamed a little and stormed to the room from which she had just walked out.

  Harrison went to Tom's office and he opened the door Tom sat there staring at some paperwork.

 "Tom you know you can't keep doing this forever. "

"Is she gone?" Tom asked without looking up.

"Are you even listening to me?"

"I asked if she is gone." Tom said still not looking up.

Harrison sighed he knew it was no point talking to Tom about this he would remain unresponsive.
"Yes she is gone after yelling and wrecking your fuck room a little, she also swore a bit."

Tom cracked a small smile at this but it was still a dead smile.

"You have an appointment with Ms. Juliet Angelos today." Said Harrison. 

"I know I remember. So at what time is it." Tom asked. "We should be leaving in about 20 minutes." Harrison replied.

Juliet Angelos Office/Chamber

"Ms.Angeleos , Mr. Tom Holland is here to see you." Heard Tom and Harrison as Juliet's secretary Ashley spoke.

"Ah! Mr. Holland right on time I see. Send him in." They heard another voice speak. Tom walked into the huge chamber with a huge glass window behind the desk. The window overlooking the view of the entire city.  There was a huge and elegant white sofa placed in one corner of the room, grey and blue throw pillows were neatly stacked on it. 

A glass of whiskey sat on her desk next to a laptop. The desk was piled with papers but they were neatly stacked aside.

  Juliet Angelos sat on a desk in front of Tom her back turned to him. She wore a short white dress which made her bronze skin and black hair look bright. Her white dress clung to her body in all the right places, showing off her strong and long legs. 
Her hair was jet black as black as black ink might be. It looked like it had been roughly tied into  a ponytail just a few minutes ago.

 She had a gun pointed at man in tears right in front of her. He was kneeling with his hands up.
 "I'll be with you in just a bit Mr. Holland." she said in a silky voice. 

"Please Lady Angelos I swear I won't steal anything ever again and I promise to pay you back for all the goods I stole and sold. But please let me live." He cried. 

"Ok darling.  Let's make a deal , you taste those muffins next to you and tell me what  flavor they are if you are right I let you go and you get to take the muffins with you. But of you are wrong..." She paused and continued " I get to make you my first kill of the day. What say sweetheart?" 

  The man looked terrified but he nodded and picked up one of the muffins he reluctantly tasted it and scrunched his nose a little. Tom was enjoying this little show. The man took another bite and said with his mouthful "Are these banana nut muffins?" 


She shot him right between his eyes. "You guessed correct darling but you shouldn't have spoken with your mouth full. I hate people without a sense of manners." She said mostly to the dead idiot. " 

' Are these banana nut muffins?' What a terrible sentence to be engraved as your last words on your tombstone. " She said . Her back still turned to him. Tom felt a smile creeping on his face at her joke. She buzzed the intercom and her secretary walked in immediately.

 "Ashley dear would  you be kind enough to get someone to clean this up and also escort Mr. Holland to the living area in the 2nd floor.  We cant have a meeting with the traitor lying here.
Mr. Holland please follow Ashley I will follow you in a minute the idiot got some of his blood on me." She said.

To be continued...

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