Chapter 14

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Juliet was in the shooting arena, while everyone else wore noise cancelling headphones, she had thrown the headphones aside and she shot. She wanted some noise, some distractions or she would end up thinking about Tom again. Every shot hit the dummy right where the heart would be.
"Good job Agent Angelos." Director Silver suddenly said appearing behind her.
"I need you to accompany me to the confession room now, don't worry you dont have to do anything, just stand and watch."
"But..." She started.
"No excuses Agent."

Tom rubbed his right wrist, being handcuffed for almost a week continuously was not easy but that wasn't the only thing hurting, his whole body had bruises and he was almost unable to walk.

Silver and Juliet walked into the room.
"Silver, Agent Angelos. What a lovely surprise. Welcome." He said grinning. Even though he had a breezy attitude his insides were hurting, his heart lurched at the sight of Juliet. She had dark circles under her eyes.

Silver sat down in front of him while Juliet stood behind him, her hands tied behind her back.

"What a pleasant day Mr. Holland." Silver commented airily.
"I wouldn't know Mr. Silver, it's been a long time since I saw the sun." He said casually checking his nails. "I see Agent Angelos is here again today. Couldn't stay without me for long, love?" He asked her seductively.
Juliet buried a knife on the table right in front of Tom as she calmly said
"Shut up."
"First handcuffs and now knives, aren't we getting a bit kinky darling." He asked. He was being rude and extremely sarcastic but that was the only way he could keep himself from getting emotional.

"Agent Angelos, calm down and step back. Remember you are only here to observe." Silver told her in calm but commanding tone. Tom could see how badly Juliet was restraining herself from smacking Silver, normally she was in charge but she stepped back anyways.

"You know Mr. Holland after your little conversation with Agent Angelos yesterday I think I found a way to make you talk." Silver said smugly.
"Oh really? Please entertain me, tell me what you thought about Mr. Silver." He said with mock curiosity.

"Oh...forget that Mr. Holland we have plenty of time for business. Tell me if you like our services..Any problems?" Silver asked sarcastically.
"Actually I do have a problem. Your bathrooms are really not clean, I want a drink and a cigarette also, can I get a shampoo preferably the designer kind. And hey maybe Agent Angelos can help me with the shower, showering while handcuffed is hard." He said running his fingers through his hair and smirking.

He could see Juliet going visibly red.
"Trust me you don't want to be alone with me." She growled clenching her hands.
"Oh darling trust me I do." He said seductively.
Juliet was about to snap but before she could Silver said
"Agent." In a warning tone. She stepped back eyeing Tom warily.

"So you still don't want to talk Mr. Holland?" Silver asked pleasantly.
"Duh." He replied with the attitude of a teenager, while fiddling with his handcuffs.
"Ok then." Silver said and in one swift movement he had thrown a tiny circular disc at Juliet's neck. She instinctively touched it and Silver pressed a tiny button in his hand, immediately there was the sound of a buzz and Juliet collapsed breathing raggedy on the ground.
"What the...?" Tom said immediately flipping the table and pinning Silver down.
That was his maximum attack possibility.

Some guards ran into the room but Silver motioned them to stop.

"Sit down Mr. Holland." Silver said in a commanding tone though coughing. Bis finger hovering over the button as a threat. Tom was too far to reach that remote.
Tom grudgingly putting the table back to normal position.

"After you conversation yesterday with Agent Angelos I realized that you have feelings for her. Pain to you won't matter to you but pain to her will matter, won't it?" Silver said grinning and fixing his tie which was dishevelled because of Tom's attack.
"That disc there is connected to her nervous system." He said pointing to Juliet on the ground who was writhing in pain on the ground.
"It wont kill her, atleast one shock won't. Normally it takes about 7 shocks to paralyze a person and 13 to kill them. But since she is well trained with a great immune system, it will take 10 shocks to paralyze her and 19 to kill her. You can decide if you want to speak or paralyze her for life or kill her." Silver said, a maniacal glint in his eyes.

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