Chapter 7

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Harrison walked into Tom's chamber.
"Uh...Tom so...sup?" Harrison asked.

"You remember Jack Salt?" Tom asked standing up. 

"Of course. The dumbass trying to threaten us." Haz replied. 

"So we figured out a plan to steal the documents. So what we are going to do-" 

"Whoa hold up. Why should we steal or retrieve it. We could just kill him."

"Well my evil thinking friend. We can't do that because by now everyone in the market knows that Jack-ass Salt is threatening you or us since we are partners. So if we kill him then its going to be quite obvious to everyone that it was us and we have many people who will be waiting for such an obvious and easy opportunity to bring us down. So killing is not an option how much ever tempting that might be." Said Juliet smiling suddenly appearing out of nowhere. 

"Where did you come from?" Harrison asked surprised. 

"Uhh..Actually I noticed that there's a dark corner in Tom's chamber and I couldn't help adding a dramatic touch. So I stood in the shadow waiting for you to ask that stupid question, so that I could make my grand entrance." She said smirking. 

Harrison rolled his eyes and looked at Tom with a look like 'can you believe her?' but Tom was looking at her with a look like 'I'm soooooo in love with her but I gotta act like im not cause I'm a tough guy.' Haz felt happy and sad at the same time. He was happy because Tom was finally acting like a human, a person with feelings but sad because Tom would very soon have to kill the girl he loves.

"Ok so here's what we are going to do." Juliet said. Tom pretended to look annoyed "Hey stop stealing my thunder Angelos. I was supposed to do the explaining part."
"That's not fair. You always get the best parts." Juliet said folding her hands stubbornly playing along.
"Its not like we are doing anything no one has done before.  We are honey trapping did God's sake." Tom said rolling his eyes.
"You just told him a part if the plan. You totally ruined it." She whined.
"Hey hey! If you love birds are done bickering. Just tell me the plan. Both of you say it together." Haz said sarcastically.
Tom shot him a shut-up-or-I-will-either-kill-you-or-I-will-absolutely-freak-out look.

Juliet and Tom finished explaining the plan. "That's....stupid." Haz said. Juliet and Tom looked offended but they decided to ignore him.
"We're leaving in 2 hours. Gear up Haz." Said Tom.
"What no. We can't leave so quickly." Haz said with disbelief.
"Juliet wanted to leave in 45 mins. I convinced her to give us 2 hours. So yeah. Gear up Harrison." Tom said.
"She is literally going to be the death of you Tom Holland." Haz teased.
"I know. " Tom said grinning like crazy.

Time skip

Tom and Haz stood in front of Jack Salt's mansion waiting got Juliet as she got 'geared up'.
Tom saw Juliet walk out of the car wearing a white floor length gown with a slit on both the sides. Her hair rested on her shoulder in an elegant side braid, like a Greek Godess. Her eyes was slightly touched with makeup, making them look...he couldn't remember what it was called shadowy? Fiery? no...Smoky eyes. Her lips were tinted a ruby red, which make them look plump and so...kissable.

 Tom realized that here was starting. He cleared his throat and looked away. 

"Uhh...I know we said you had to look hot to distract him but I think it would be wise to wear something in which you can conceal a weapon. Just in case." Haz said.

"You don't have to worry about that. Just focus on your job." She said checking her reflection in little compact mirror.

"Hey you don't need to be rude about that. I was just worried that you might get killed and we would get caught and you would get us killed along with you. And do you always carry a tiny mirror with you."

"My mirror is not causing anyone problems so it's none of your concern Osterfield. Gosh boys are annoying." She said.

"And girls are bossy. It doesn't always have to be your way."

"I don't want you taking your frustrations of your sloppy love life in me. It's you and your temper that will get us killed."

"Uh-huh look who's talking. You are the one refusing to arm yourself while there are chances of danger just because it won't go with your pretty, sexy, little outfit. The slits on your dress are so long that you can't even use a thigh strap to conceal at least a knife. And your heels can you even walk in those forget running. And don't even get me started on the fact that you decided to keep your little mirror in that tiny pocket in your dress instead of atleast a pocket knife." He said stubbornly.

"You dont get a say on my fashion choices blondie. You are the one being stubborn like a little toddler while we were supposed to be putting the plan in action like 3 minutes ago." Juliet said clearly about to Judo flip Haz.

"Uhhhmmm......ok stop this. This is stupid. Let's get in position." Tom said interrupting them before they killed each other.

"Let the game begin boys." Juliet said with an evil smirk.

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