Chapter 5

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The song started playing Tom recognized the melody it was 'The Night We Met' from '13 reasons why' (listen to the song to make this scene extra special if you haven't heard it).

🎵 I'm not the only traveler
Who has not repaid his debt
I've been searching for a trail to follow...again
Take me back to the night we met🎵

Juliet shifted her hands and leaned in resting her head on his chest and closing her eyes.

🎵 And then I can tell myself
What the hell I'm supposed to do
And then I can tell myself
Not to ride along with you🎵

Tom involuntarily tightened his grip around her waist pulling her closer. His whole body was buzzing as the whole world seemed like a blur to him as he only felt Juliet and the song reaching his ears.

🎵 I had all and then most of you
Some and now none of you
Oh take me back to the night we met
I don't know what I'm supposed to do
Haunted by the ghost of you
Oh take me back to the night we met🎵

Tom felt like he had lost the ability to move as he felt Juliet's head under his chin, her hair smelled beautiful like coconut. He could vaguely hear the music his ears seemed to be the only working part of him. As the music continued Juliet suddenly brought her head back. He was a little disappointed he liked her head resting on his chest. 'What am I thinking? What's wrong with you Holland?' He thought. 

She looked up at him and said "Tom. I think I...I think I...I think I'm gonna throw up." She said.
He looked at her processing her words a little late. Not what he expected what she was going to say. He quickly led her off the dance floor and took her to the restroom, he was not in the mood to have puke on his shoes. 

She immediately fell on her knees and puked her guts out into one of the toilets. He bent forward holding her hair back as she threw up, he never did this for a girl but yet here he was.

She finished throwing up and splashed some water on her face and was wiping her face with a couple of tissues. He really hoped she was not that hungover anymore. But he was wrong because as soon as she wiped her face she scrunched up her nose a bit and giggled "Tissues...what a wierrrd..hic...word. Tissues. Tissues, tissues, tissueeeeeeessss...hic..." She said giggling. Tom sighed and said slowly "Juliet wait here I will get you a bottle of water to drink. Ok?" She nodded and continued murmuring 'tissues' under her breath. He figured she would be fine talking to the tissues while he got the water.

As Tom was taking the bottle to the restroom he saw a little crowd gathered around a table. He went forward to see what the commotion was about. He smacked his head as he saw Juliet standing on one of the tables chugging another tequila bottle. 

How much could that girl drink? He thought to himself. As he was pushing his way forward towards Juliet. He saw as she broke a bottle and shouted "JACK I'M FLYING! or should I say TOM I'M FLYING...!!!" 'Oh great Ashley never mentioned that Juliet quoted Titanic when she was drunk' Tom fumed under his breath. 

Tom was trying to move quicker but the crowd was really thick. " I LOVE ME 3000." He heard her yell this time. He was now tired as he moved. "Wow! It's getting hot in here I think I will take my top of." Juliet murmured but it was loud enough for everyone to hear. All the boys started hooting and whistling. 

 Tom finally reached the front of the crowd and yelled 

"Juliet Elizabeth Angelos get down. NOW!" 

Juliet  was desperately trying to undo the zipper of her top when she heard Tom she shouted still trying to take off her zipper. 

" You are not the boss of me Tomas Stanley Holland." she said sticking her tongue out at him. He couldn't believe that a person had the audacity to stick their tongue out at one of the biggest mafia kings.

 Tom had enough he grabbed her by the waist and hoisted her on his shoulder like she was a sack of potatoes. 

"Dude don't be a party pooper let her take off her clothes first." He heard a guy yell as Tom was carrying her away as she was unsuccessfully trying to kick and punch him off. Tom turned to the guy who said it and said 

" You say that again and I put a bullet through your brain. You hear me mate." The man shut up and the crowd started clearing up. 

This was the effect he usually had on people but here he was babysitting a 22 year old mafia leader. 

He put her into the car and asked the driver to take them to Tom's mansion. She rested her head on his lap. He went still, not sure what to do if a girl puts her head on his lap. Should he like keep his hands to himself? or should he like put his hand on her head? augh...this was so confusing and it made him awfully nervous.

"Tom?" Juliet suddenly said in the sweetest voice. His heart almost skipped not one but two beats.

"Hmm.." He hummed in response, he was suddenly nervous for some strange reason. His hands felt slightly clammy.

"Why the hell is SpongeBob called SpongeBob Square Pants? He is a a 3D figure, so he is a cuboidal shaped person, not square. He should be called SpongeBob Cuboidal Pants not square pants...but then cuboidal pants doesn't quiet have a ring to it." She said immensely seriously and thoughtfully.

He had no idea what to say to that.

"Uhhh...I don't..uh...I mean...." He stuttered lamely.

But luckily he was saved from answering because he heard a tiny snore. She had fallen asleep and she was drooling a little on his trousers but he didn't mind, he found it awfully cute as a matter of fact.

 His face felt weird then he realized it was because he was smiling and it was a real smile. He never smiled like this before so his face felt weird. His hand automatically moved to brush a strand of her dark hair away from her face. 'Holland you are in love.' He whispered to himself.

To be continued...

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