Chapter 4

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After both the contracts were signed Tom and Juliet shook hands.
Harrison watched as they shook hands for longer than socially accepted almost like holding hands. Harrison cleared his throat and Tom let go of Juliet's hand.

"I think we should celebrate our friendship and partnership Juliet." Said Tom.
"Definitely we should, but I have a lunch date. So how about you, me, Ashley and Haz meet up at some club tonight at say....9:30 pm?" Juliet asked.
"A date?"
"Yeah some guy I met at the beach yesterday..."
" so see you tonight Juliet." Tom said as he walked out of her chamber.

"What was that all about?" Haz asked as they were climbing into the car.

"It was nothing." Tom said coldly clearly trying to cut off the conversation.
Haz just rolled his eyes and sat.

After a few minutes of awkward silence Tom said "Haz I want you to do a background check of Juliet Angelos."

Haz looked at Tom like he was insane. "Are you insane? Wait so you just signed a 50% partnership deal with a person without doing a background check. Tom what the fuck is wrong with you." Haz asked whisper shouting so as to not be heard by the driver.
Tom sighed and explained his and his father's plan to Haz.
"So after all this you are planning to kill her?" Haz asked.
"And her father."
"Are you sure? I mean I think you are starting to develop feelings for her. Don't yell, if you think it's not true ignore what I just said." Haz said slowly as if talking to a baby. "So why the background check all of a sudden Tom?"
"I was just curious about my new partner." Tom said trying to sound casual.
Haz just smirked "Tommy boy looks you are falling for a girl you are going to kill before this year ends. Isn't your life so full of drama?"
Tom rolled his eyes at Haz and ignored him the rest of the car ride.

Time Skip to the club at around 9:30-9:45

Tom and Haz were sitting at one of the tables waiting for Juliet and Ashley. Tom saw Juliet and Ashley walk in but Juliet seemed to be in a terrible mood. She was wearing a metallic white strap crop top and a tight and short leather skirt paired with a pair of ankle length black leather boots. As they both walked closer and sat down in front of the boys Tom noticed Juliet looked mad at something or someone, you could literally see the steam coming out of her ears. Juliet excused herself to go to the restroom.
"What's up with her?" Haz asked for Tom.
Ashley looked around nervously as if afraid that Juliet might be hiding under the table with a gun and listening to their conversation.
"Actually she had a terrible date today and she was whining that she is going to end up dying alone and stuff." Ashley said nervously.
Hearing that there date went terribly made Tom feel happy. He wasn't sure why he was happy but he was. 

"Awful sex?" Haz asked.
Ashley laughed "No no. That's not the thing. Ms. Angelos had a terrible date because the guy was extremely boring and also a sexist. Ms. Angelos is a virgin."

"No way. With all that expert flirting anyone would think she is a pro player." Haz said.
Tom was a bit taken aback by hearing that Juliet's 'purity' was not lost.
Juliet came  back and sat on the table "God it is so hot today. Has anyone ordered the drinks yet?" She asked she sounded slightly irritated. 

Tom cleared his throat and replied " We were just about to call the waiter."
The waiter came and took their orders. Tom and Haz ordered neat scotch, Ashley ordered some wine and the waiter asked Juliet what she would have. She immediately said "I would have 4 wait no 5 shots please."
"Uh Juliet are you sure?" Ashley asked.
"I am." She said casually and pretended to check her phone.

After a few more shots Juliet was giggling uncontrollably. "You know what's funny Tom? Even my dad's name is Tom." She said giggling and shouting to be heard over the loud party music.
Ashley sighed. Then as Juliet continued giggling and blabbering. Haz asked Ashley to dance.
Juliet pouted and said "Why are you always so serious Tom?...hic....You are always brooding. Though that on you. Oh by the way did I mention that I think you are sexy...hic....maybe I did. You know...It wouldn't hurt to have fun sometimes...hic..." Juliet said.
Tom wasn't sure what to say so he kept quiet.

"C'mon let's...hic...go dance." She shouted. Tom was about to refuse but before he could she had grabbed his hand and she was leading him onto the dance floor. She wrapped get hands around his neck and guided his hands on her waist and she was swaying to the music.

Haz almost choked on his drink when he saw Tom on the dance floor. Tom never ever danced but then he was dancing not exactly dancing but almost dancing with his hands around Juliet's waist. My little Tommy boy is growing up he thought dramatically.

Tom saw Haz approaching him. He was not in the mood to get teased now. His stomach was doing back flips as he saw Juliet closing her eyes and dancing to the beat with her arms around him. He was a little confused about all these new things here was feeling. Haz approached Tom. Haz smirked slightly and said 

"Me and Ashley are going over to my place. You can have fun dancing and make sure to get Juliet home. Ashley says Juliet gets a little out of control after getting drunk." 

"You are just going to leave me alone with a drunk girl?" Tom asked. Juliet didn't seem to be hearing them. 

"Yes I am Tommy boy. " Haz said walking away.

Then after two songs the DJ stopped the
music and announced that they would be playing slow music for the couples now.
"C'mon Juliet that's enough dancing for today." Tom said holding Juliet's wrist.
"Nooo we just started...hic...please stay I wanna dance some moreee..." Juliet said making puppy eyes.
Tom sighed he never did anything he didn't want to but he thought just one last dance then he is dropping her home before she gets crazier.
The song started playing.

To be continued...

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