Chapter 18

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"It's a private number." Haz said handing the phone to Juliet.

Juliet gulped and received the call.
"Hello..." she whispered slowly, her dream replaying in her mind as she heard a smooth voice on the other end of the phone.

"Ms. Angelos...oh sorry now Mrs. Holland right? Hmm... we have your probably know that by now, you probably did this a couple of times. You know the drill Mrs. Holland, you get me the papers or I kill him...blah blah...don't tell anyone else...blah blah...just get here quickly. I'm not a very patient man."
The other side went silent and Juliet hung up the call.

Haz and Jake looked at her with a hint of concern.

"Jules, do you think you can do this, I mean you are pregnant. It's not like before now..." Jake said slowly.

"No Jake, I'm ok, alright? I got this. You guys just do your job." She murmured.


"Welcome....Juliet Holland." James Capone murmured as she entered the room with a folder.

"My men tell me you had no weapons. I'm actually insulted. But you are here that's what matters." He said, she couldn't see his face clearly, he stood in the dark.

"Where's Tom?" She asked boldly.

"Ah! Tom he's all right." James said now moving out of the shadows his face clearly visible now.

James Capone was a handsome man, no doubt. But he was handsome in a way you would call a hard, but well chiseled rock to be handsome. His black hair shone in the dim lights. His smile was charming yet there was something sinful about that smile.
He wore a well fitted and expensive suit.

His blue eyes sparkled with a mad gleam.

James smiled at her and motioned his men to bring Tom into the room.

Two men carried Tom into the room and threw him in front of Juliet like he's a rag doll.

Her eyes widened and she felt tears welling up in her eyes, looking at Tom's condition. But she didn't let the tears fall, she didn't want to look weak in front of Capone.

She inspected Tom, no major life threatening injuries. But still it was pretty bad. His eye was slowly turning black blue, be could hardly walk and his cheek had a scratch, judging by the injury that scratch had come to because someone punched him in the face while wearing a ring. She inspected Capone's fingers and he did wear a ring, none of his other men did.

She felt anger boiling in her. Before she knew it she had stepped forward and punched Capone right in the face making sure her wedding ring left a mark on his cheek.

His men surged forward but James held up his hand to stop them, he put his finger on his cheek and felt blood. He smirked at Juliet
"Everything I heard about the famous Juliet Angelos is true. You are a fierce fighter, I'll give you that. And you beauty is inexplicable, beyond comparison." He murmured slowly tracing his bloody finger on the side of her face, leaving a trace of his blood on her face. Tom grunted from below, trying to stand, but failing.

"Now Mrs. Holland the files, then you and your husband are free to walk away and continue living in your paradise or whatever." He said giving her a seductive look.

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