Chapter 13

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The next morning Juliet woke up alone.
She wasn't sure where Tom was or why he left but it hurt her slightly that he was gone before she even woke up.
She groggily put on the first thing she found and went to the bathroom.

There was a neon yellow sticky note on the bathroom mirror that said-

'Morning love,
See you for breakfast.'
There was a sloppy little heart doodled in the bottom and there was also something else-
'PS you might not be the kind of person who doodles hearts but maybe from now on....maybe I am that person who doodles hearts.'

The note made her smile. She felt a weird relief that he wasn't gone. But her smile soon faded, he was being so nice and making her job just harder and harder for her. She looked at herself in the mirror, she realized with a start that she was wearing the shirt that Tom wore last night. She could smell his cologne faintly, it was so familiar. She is probably the most horrible person in the world, leading on a guy and then betraying his trust.

Juliet walked into the kitchen, still wearing his shirt. Tom was shirtless but he wore sweatpants.
"Morning darling." He said to her with a bright smile "I hope you don't mind but I found these too-large-for-you sweatpants lying on your chair and wore them."
"No, no it's fine." She said smiling.
"Why do you have such large sweatpants?" He asked trying ti sound casual.
"Well, you know I wear these on my lazy days, to watch movies or something." She slowly muttered in his ear, wrapping her hand around his waist so that she was hugging him from behind as he was flipping a pancake. He tilted his head and kissed her forehead and said
"Why don't you sit down breakfast is almost ready." He said motioning towards the dining table.

Juliet sat on the table watching Tom working on the breakfast. She looked st the magnificent man in front of her, his back muscles and biceps contracting as he worked, the sunlight gently falling on his body highlighting his abs and making his hair look golden. How could someone look so amazing in sweatpants while making pancakes?!!??!

As Tom was flipping the pancakes his mind was elsewhere he already had 19 missed calls from Haz and 3 from his father. He decided to talk to his father later and he just sent a text to Haz saying

'Stayed over at Juliet's...dont be mad. Send a car to pick me up at 10.'

'No use of me being mad, your car will be there at 9:30 with a fresh set of clothes.'

Tom sighed the text seemed simple but he could imagine how mad Haz probably is. He couldn't sleep most of the night but he did decide something last night, he wouldn't follow his father's plan. He would call her to the parking lot according to the plan but he will defy his father, though it will be hard.

Tom and Juliet sat eating breakfast together, holding hands the whole time. One thing Tom absolutely adored about Juliet was that when you look at her she is a perfect lady in every way except for her nails they weren't manicured, they were bitten till the nail beds, she had once told him that in one way it was good that she bites her nails since charcoal sketches are hard to make with long nails, he argued that she could just use a nail cutter but she just shrugged and said "Habits."

"Umm...I was thinking maybe you could come to that parking lot near Starbucks. It's a work thing, you know we make a lot of deals in deserted parking lots." He said trying not to sound suspicious.
"Count me in." She said squeezing his hand.

Time skip

Juliet didn't think this day would come so quickly but here she was in an empty parking lot.

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