Chapter 16

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"Put your hand down before you end up killing someone."

"I'm a killer, that's what I do darling." He took a step toward her.

"You don't have to do this. Please just forgive me and we can move on."

"I dont forgive love." He said taking another step toward her.

He swiftly moved towards her and grabbed her and throwing her down on the bed and jumping on top of her, so he was sitting on top of her.

"Stawwwppp." She squealed trying to get him off her, as he was continuously, mercilessly tickling her.

"Tom I'm gonna kill you, let goooo. You know I'm very ticklish." Juliet yelled between giggles.

"What the hell's going on here. It's 2 in the morning." Haz yelled groggily bursting into the room. "I knew staying here tonight was a bad idea, but I thought it was a bad idea because of the sex sounds. This is so much worse than sex sounds, you both have been screaming and giggling from so long. Are you drunk or something?"

Tom and Juliet just stared at Haz with a look on their faces like 'What's up with this dude.' Tom slowly got off Juliet.

"Hey, hey, hey we are not drunk, Juliet cheated in a game of Cluedo so this turned into a mini quarrel. That's all. And Jake is not awake is he? You are just a buzzkill man." Tom said patting Harrison's back.

"What's going on guys?" Jake asked entering the room as he rubbed his eyes probably to clear his vision.
Haz gave a smug look and gestured at Jake like 'See now you guys woke him up.'

"I'm sorry did me and Tom wake you up Jake?" Juliet asked, while rolling her eyes at Haz.
"You guys? Not you guys. I heard some screaming like 'are you drunk or something?' Sounded very much like my dad so I woke up to see if everything is alright." Juliet gestured at Jake like 'See not our fault, you are the crazy one.' As Tom was sniggering.

"Yeah make me the crazy one." Haz said as he dramatically exited the room.

"What's up with this dude?" Jake asked.
Tom and Juliet shrugged and nodded in unison.

The next morning the three of them sat around the dining table as Tom was making breakfast for them.
Haz was groggily sipping coffee as he glared at Juliet

"What?" Juliet asked Harrison slightly annoyed.

"What what?" Haz snapped.

"Well what's up with the death glare you are giving me?"

"It's not a death glare, I'm just sleep deprived."

"Hey I wasn't the only one who was making noise why dont you save some of that glare for Tom?"

"But your voice was higher, that's what woke me up. I'm so exhausted I have a headache and a backache AND I'm sleep deprived."

"Ok boomer."

"What the - ..... boomer? Me? You think you are soo...- "

"Shut up you two, we have more important things in hand." Tom said sitting in the chair between them.
Jake was grinning and watching the argument between Juliet and Harrison like it was an intense tennis match.

"Fine. What do we do about the whole James Capone thing now. We dont even have much intel on him." Haz asked rubbing his temples, still eyeballing Juliet.

"There's nothing to do we just have to let him find us. He is definitely coming for us then we execute 'Loki Protocol'." Tom said.
Juliet and Haz nodded gravely.

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