Chapter 15

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"Hey love, I'm home." Tom shouted as he unlocked the door to their tiny but cozy apartment.
He saw Juliet sitting on a stool with a canvas on an easel in front of her. Her eyebrows scrunched up in concentration, paint all over her clothes and a bit on her nose. He hugged her from behind, she tore her eyes away from the canvas and turned around, kissing him slowly and getting the paint on her nose on his nose as well.

"How was work?" She asked wiping the paint off his nose.
"Mmm...not bad." He said connecting their lips again.
"You took off our wedding ring?" He asked pretending to look offended while wiping her nose, after he pulled away.
"I didn't want paint to get on it." She said giggling.
"So you are cheating on me with the canvas?" He said crossing his arms, trying not to smile.
"Atleast it's not annoying unlike my husband." She said playfully smacking his chest.
He pulled her into a kiss again, this time his hand slowly inching up her thigh from underneath her dress.
She playfully pushed him back
"No time for this I have to get to work." She said taking off her paint smock.
"Stayyy.." Tom whined.
"Maybe later tonight Tommy." She whispered grabbing her purse and kissing him before she walked out. He pouted as she closed the door behind her.

Tom sat on the sofa thinking about how amazing and different their life was now.
It had been almost 6 months since Tom and Juliet moved to Costa Rica. She sold her paintings and worked part time in an ice cream parlour. Tom worked in a beautiful cafè called Rosetta's, by the beach. They were married and happy. Juliet got to pursue her passion as an artist. Even though they had enough money fron their previous occupation they worked so as to not draw suspicion, but they had learnt to enjoy this simple life, with a tiny apartment, going to the beach everyday. Haz visited them every month and sometimes Jake.

Tom and Juliet's wedding had been a low key affair. Only Haz and Jake were invited.
Juliet insisted on calling Jake her Maid of Honor since Haz was Tom's Best Man, she even bought a dress for Jake but to her and Haz's disappointment Jake refused to wear it. Yes, now Haz and Juliet were great friends though there was the occasional banter but it was the friendly kind of banter. Mostly.

The Headquarters hadn't come after them because after they left Jake and Haz made it look like Tom and Juliet had died in a car accident while escaping, so the Headquarters stopped coming after them. Jake almost got fired for letting fugitives get away but it was argued that he was overpowered so Jake got promoted instead, since Director Silver got fired for being in charge when a dangerous and important mobster got away and also for almost killing an employee. Now Jake was the Director of the California branch of Headquarters. He bragged about it all the time and insisted on being called Director Green.

Also Tom had insisted that they come up with fake names but Juliet said that wasn't required since no one even fucking knew them, that had been an argument for an hour. In the end Juliet won since both Haz and Jake sided with her. Tom was disappointed, he said he had even come up with names for them 'Peter Parker' for him and 'Michelle Jonas' for Juliet. (Blink,blink 😇😉)

They were happy.

"Babe you wanna go out, for a little walk in the beach?" Tom asked one night after they had dinner that they had cooked together.
"I would love to." She said grabbing his hand and pulling him outside immediately.

Tom had his hand around her shoulder and Juliet had wrapped her arm around his waist. They were walking down the beach, enjoying the comfortable silence broken by the waves crashing.

Tom was enjoying their walk, he had learnt to live in the moment, he was also smiling for no reason. But suddenly he heard slight shuffling. He was sure Juliet heard it too because she tensed up but both of them continued walking like nothing happend.

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